OK if its a matter of fact, how come american civilians donated so much
money to the IRA.

The IRA attacked civilians, the only difference being they were a safe
distance away from the blast when it went off.

I still think its a matter of perspective, the palestinians obviously feel
they have a point, they don't believe they are terrorists when they blow
themselves up, they feel justified in what they are doing (how they reach
that conclusion, god knows). 

If they (and alot of arab countries) do not percieve them as terrorists, how
can it not be a matter of perspective whether they are terrorists or not? 

To be honest i'm not sympathetic, its a nightmare situation and like i said
its just a observation.  To be quite honest if I was there or personally
involved I would condone extreme action if I was from Israel, simply from a
self defense point of view.  But if i was a palestinian I might feel the
same as them.  Who's knows unless you are there and have experienced it
first hand. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 17:00
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

I understand you're not condoning ... but it doesn't depend on perspective,
it depends on a clear use of the English language -- attacking civilian
targets with the intent to kill, harass, discourage -- um, terrorize, is
terrorism. Attacking military targets (whether civilians become "collateral
damager" or not) is an act of military action, or war, and is not terrorism.
Regardless of your sympathies toward Palestine, and no matter how justified
you may believe the Palestinians are to be angry, rebellious, etc., to call
the suicide bombers anything other than terrorists (such as patriots,
martyrs or freedom fighters) does a disservice to the honorable men and
women throughout history who have been such noble things. There is nothing
noble about blowing yourself up in an attempt to kill civilians. And to call
Israel's retaliation for these reprehensible attacks anything other than
just defies logic.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Smyth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 7:42 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

>They (the Palistinians) are the terrorists.

Surely the issue of whether they are terrorists depends on your perspective
of the situation?  I'm not condoning anything, its just an observation

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 April 2002 16:45
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

The fault of those dead prists and nuns lies squarely with the Palistinians
(and I see a post from MD saying it didn't happen, citing a credible news
source).  They (the Palistinians) are the terrorists. They have brought it
on with their totally unjustified suicide bombings.  Israel is acting in
self defense.  To call Israel actions terrorism is to totally twist the
English language and shows a profound disrespect for all that is honorable
and just. If Israeli actions creates more suicide bombers than that only
demonstrates the total lack of intelligence and morals among the
Palistinians. Why do you persist in defending such utterly depraved actions?


-----Original Message-----
From: mo mansour [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 7:14 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

>How can Israel be wrong when all it is trying to do
is defend its citizens
>against immoral attacks?


And blowing up people and detaining and terrorizing,
and starvation,and cutting off the basic human needs
to exist and executing who they want and leaving
nothing undestroyed in their path is moral ?
so you are fighting terrorism with even harsher
terrorism and against all the people, that is what is
moral and definding yourself...how many more suicide
bombers you think this has creatd ?

Bethlaham where all the killing is going on today, is
mostly all christians and catholics......

A Catholic priest has been killed and at least six
nuns have been wounded during fighting in the West
Bank town of Bethlehem.


You think that the priest and those nuns put up a
"fair fight" ? tanks and machine guns against an old
priest and nuns, i think thats fighting
terrorism...sure...Sadly, the death toll in Betlaham
is now reported as higher than those killed in

like I said, the news usualy take an extra day to make
the headlines here, but eventualy it does...

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