I used to do a lot more design 4-5 years ago, now I'm almost exclusively
coding or preparing project proposals/estimates/etc. 

I have to say the women working here create much more aesthetically
pleasing designs than the men. But I find most of them have experience
with designing for print more so than web. This is sometimes frustrating
when we get a design meant for print and are told to make it look the
same on the web. But of course nothing is impossible, I just have
trouble justifying spending a whole load of time just to make the design
work the way they want when other options are often more efficient.

That being said, women also make great programmers (but rarely program
and design well at both). We have several that are key members of our
programming team, dreadful designers though. 

Please excuse my chauvinistic comment in my last correspondence. I never
claimed to have a tasteful sense of humour. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Women programmers

> Amen goes there, sister!

> Susan H. Allen
> Pfinsten Publishing, L.L.C.
> Cleveland, Ohio

>>I actually find it really annoying when I
>>walk in new to a team and get the assumption that I'm there to make
>>application "look pretty" or design/develop the GUI.

Besides, that's my job! :) Actually I've been told that I'm better at it
than most "heavy-lifting" developers... I probably spend equal amounts
time on look and feel as I do on database development and issues, etc...
I would never assume that a woman coming into a dev team I worked on had
been hired to "make it pretty" ... unless of course, she had the _title_
"designer" or "graphic artist"...

Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer


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