Hi Stevo,

#iif(not len(trim(email)),DE('my company email'),"email")# should get
you where you need to go.

However, you may want to solve this problem at the database level (or
whatever layer is one up from where you currently are) so that you don't
have to continually implement this if you need to do the same logic in
another place.  Perhaps something like this:

  CASE email
     ELSE email
     END AS email
FROM customers
WHERE customerId = customerId


-----Original Message-----
From: Stevo Vee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 11:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfmail problem

Please Help. I am changing some forms and actions on my website. I have
a lead subscription website and currently the lead emails that go to my
subscribing companies have my websites email as the sent and reply
email with the customers in the form.  I am changing to have the
customers as the from and reply email now which I have acomplished.
HOWEVER, now if the customer does not have an email the lead gets lost
cyber space. How can I make add a rule that if the customer has no
email and only phone that it at least goes to me or my subcribing
using perhaps my websites email acting as a default?? Below is the
current code: Your help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

<cfmail to="#CompanyEmail#" cc="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="#Email# "
subject="leads #CategoryText# Lead">#CategoryText#

I have tried the following but it still did not work:
CFIF trim(Email) EQ "">
    <CFSET Email = "my company email">

<cfmail to="#CompanyEmail#" cc="my company email" from="#Email# "
subject="leads #CategoryText# Lead">#CategoryText#
<cfif CategoryID IS 2>Company Name: #FORM.CompanyName#</cfif>

FROM="#iif(email EQ '',DE('my company email'),email)#"

Try that too.  I didn't test it...it might need to be  #iif(email EQ
'',DE('my company email'),DE(email))#
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