Claude Schneegans wrote:

> What for instance would you like to have?

You pretty much listed our requirements :)

> - a good CMS should NOT allow users to use HTML to fulfill all their 
> fantasies.
> So, users should not be able to define any color, font size and what 
> ever, instead, they
> should be able to select a style (or a class) the site designers have 
> designed for them.

That's why the toolbar configurability and (with our database-driven 
style selector hack) style control in fckeditor works for us.

> - a good HTML editor should be callable from several places in a form, 
> each instance
> having it's own set of tools and styles available to the user. For 
> instance when editing
> a News Release, I ask the user to fill a summary and the main content. I 
> don't want him
> to have access to all the tools for the summary, not even to bold, since 
> this is handled
> by the News Release template any way.

and again. We allow for user-created forms like this too, in a limited 
way: the form tag and submit/reset buttons are generated by the CMS; 
users can insert whatever form controls they like in between (and flag 
fields as mandatory). The only processing option we offer ATM is to 
email the form results to a pre-configured address, but that actually 
covers most people's requirements. FWIW, the form processor itself is 
one I wrote in mod_perl and is *very* paranoid for all the obvious reasons.

> - a good HTML Editor should not be embeded in a textarea, instead, it 
> should open a new window
> which can be resized any sized to resemble the final page the text is 
> intended,
> otherwise it is not really WYSIWYG.

Here I disagree - the web isn't WYSIWYG anyhow, so giving users the 
illusion that it is does no good at all. We do use the target stylesheet 
in the fckeditor (or soeditor) iframe, though, so fonts, sizes and 
colours are as they should be.

> - a good HTML editor should not allow pasting from MS Word with no basic 
> cleaning.

I wrote a co-processor for soeditor to sanitise such crap when switching 
from source to html mode and when exiting; fckeditor has a "paste from 
word" function, though I haven't (yet) thrown much horror at it.

> Finally, the HTML editor should not allow users to upload any image anytime.
> The problem with HTML Editors is that they are completely independant 
> from the CMS system.
> Images should be managed by some tool in the CMS admin module, and 
> registered in the database,
> including image sizes, some title, description etc.
> Then, the CMS provides some tool  to select and display images from the 
> database, not the editor.

We have the option of allowing image uploads into any directory, 
configurable by directory. If the directory is managed by the CMS, the 
upload actually goes to that directory's raw image store and the CMS 
will autogenerate the appropriately sized, framed, annotated or 
otherwise mangled result into the directory the user *thinks* they're 
uploading to. At present, images newly uploaded this way are actually 
registered in the image table when an administrator next enters the 
image manager - I do a scan of the raw image directories and add any new 
images as uncategorised, flagging duplicates.

Pete Jordan
Horus Web Engineering Ltd

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