Take that proactive approach a step further and grab a known good image URL,
and a known bad image URL. Dump the headers and compare.

Worst case scenario, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Then you could do
something else like build a valid list of mime types (valid to you and your
app) and at least compare the results to that list.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Friedman [mailto:m...@hozgroup.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 4:43 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Can this be done?

We have a site where people are uploading images to our site.

We are using cffile upload, checking the sizing resizing them - all is
working great but....
about 2% of the images will sometimes be upload but not able to be displayed
on the site - they might be set as CMYK or some other reason and there is
the red x being displayed.

Here is my question - since I have the full url to the image saved in the
database is there any way that I can check the images that have been
uploaded in the past hour and see if they are working in an automated

My thoughts would be to just loop through the list by hour and using an http
get to see the image - the question is there a host header error or notice
that will indicate that the image is bad and we need to fix the image.

We are trying to be proactive instead of reactive to clients telling us that
there is a bad image on the list.

Thanks for any incite.

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