Thanks for you help, as always Dave.   I am always in admiration of your
patience and helpful attitude whenever anyone asks a question.   I dont
think we say thanks enough.

So thanks!

Anyway,   the structure is referred to in the HELM control panel of this
shared hosting as a subdomain.  I dont much care what it is really - it acts
like a subdomain whether it's called that or not, so that'll do me.
Shard.adcalpo....<etc> behaves as though it's a domain of its own - the root
of that site is inside a folder at wwwroot/shard.

I guess what i need to do, is create a folder called CFIDE in the subdomain
shard and put a copy of the classes and the form ajax scripts etc.      The
HELM control panel doesn't have the functionality to create virtual
directories, so to create those involves a support ticket.  I'd rather not
do that if i can help it - so if each site or sub-site or virtual host has
its own copy of the CFGRID in a folder called /CFIDE/classes, that should
work, I hope.     There is no point in creating a mapping because unless I'm
mistaken, CF Creates a mapping called CFIDE when it installs doesn't it?  So
that will already be there.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Dave Watts <> wrote:

> > Can anyone tell me why this happens??   If i run a page in the root of a
> > site, the CFGRID works.  If i run the precise same file in the same
> relative
> > location of a subdomain of that site,   it doesnt.     Can anyone see
> what
> > i've got wrong here?
> Well, first, a bit of clarification. is not a
> subdomain. is a domain, and shard is a hostname (A
> record) within that domain.
> > If you go to the working link: you'll
> see
> > it works, therefore the CFGRID applet has been installed ok,  then if you
> go
> > to the subdomain version of the exact same file at
> >  you'll see now it cant find the
> > CFGRID applet.
> >
> > Any one see what i need to change in the subdomains to make CFGRID work?
> Each virtual host you have on your web server needs to have a virtual
> directory pointing to /CFIDE. If you visit the two links, and view
> source, you'll see something like this:
> <embed
>    type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3"
>    pluginspage="";
>    code="coldfusion.applets.CFGridApplet.class"
>    archive="/CFIDE/classes/cfapplets.jar"
>    mayscript="true"
>    width="300"
>    height="300"
>    autowidth="false"
>    griddata="1%02Les%02Mustafa%02%013%02Troy%02Heron%02"
> griddescription="3%022%02300%02300%020%020%020%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02S%020%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02Y%02Y%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02%03%02N%02insert%02delete%02SortAsc%02SortDesc%01EmployeeID%02Y%02N%02Employeeid%01GivenName%02Y%02N%02Givenname%01Surname%02Y%02N%02Surname"
>    cf_form_name="Form1"
>    cf_param_name="__CFGRID__Form1__employee_grid">
>    <noembed><b> Browser must support Java to view ColdFusion Java
> Applets</b></noembed>
> </embed>
> Note the archive path. That has to be a valid URL. This is a valid URL:
> This is not (yet):
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or

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