
You are on the right track here. CFRETHROW within a CFCATCH throws to a
upper level CFTRY block, and not within the same level as the current
CFTRY/CFCATCH block. E.g.:

<cftry><!--- Level 0 --->
  <cftry><!--- Level 1 --->
    <cfcatch type="any"><!--- Level 1 --->
       <cfif NOT myerror>
  <cfcatch type="any"><!--- Level 0 --->
      <!--- Your timeout handler code here --->

If think, from your description, you had this:

<cftry><!--- Level 0 --->
  <cfcatch type="any"><!--- Level 0 --->
     <cfif NOT myerror>
        <cfrethrow><!--- causes CF error page to be displayed --->
  <cfcatch type="any"><!--- Level 0 --->
      <!--- Your timeout handler code here: Never gets executed. --->

This of course, won't work like what you wanted. ;)

Lesson to Learn:
There can be only ONE <CFCATCH type="Any"> for a CFTRY.

James Ang
Senior Programmer

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Norloff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfcatch and can't catch

Thanks for the response.  Interesting observation - I AM using a rethrow
in a cfcatch, though I don't think that's what's causing the problem.

I use a rethrow because timeout errors come in two types here:
type=unknown and type=com.allaire.coldfusion.request.timeout.  I 
have 4
cfcatch's: type=expression, type=database, type=any, type=any.  

Inside the first type=any I check if type=...timeout or if the first 
characters of cfcatch.message are "Request timed out". If so, I rethrow,
and the second type=any is actually the cfcatch for timeouts.

Since the caught type is database, I don't think this error-handling is
getting to the type=any cfcatch statements.

We're not using cferror type=monitor, only type=exception.  Though
perhaps I should be using type=request to catch more things if they 
past the cfcatch's.

thanks for the ideas,
Chris Norloff

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:07:12 -0500 

>> Here's an odd one - I've got two instances where an error 
>> was, at the same time, caught and handled by cfcatch, and 
>> NOT-CAUGHT and hit the CFserver.
>> I'll put the shorter of the two examples below - one is the 
>> application.log file entry, and the other is our logging of 
>> all error.vars available.  Note that in each case the 
>> date/time, error code, and specific data used in the query 
>> are the same.
>The only reason I can think of for why this would happen is if you're
>rethrowing the error within your CFCATCH (which I'm guessing you're
not) or
>if you're using CFERROR TYPE="MONITOR" to catch exceptions, in which
case I
>think you're getting the appropriate behavior.
>On the other hand, it could simply be a bug in the Solaris version.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444

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