On 9/4/05 at 7:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jaldhar H. Vyas) wrote:

> A couple of months back we had some discussion on a CGI::Application
> book. I think I am ready to get started on this.  As a first step to
> making a proposal to a publisher[1] here is a synopsis of the books
> possible contents.  This is just a brain dump so I appreciate any and
> all comments, criticism and suggestions.
> Tentative title:  Modern CGI Applications in Perl
> Ch 1:  Common Gateway Interface
> What is CGI?  Perl good language for CGI.  CGI not dead yet. 
> (Advantages over proprietary methods like java, .net)  CGI.pm
> standard for perl CGI programming (with example.)

Sounds like the book will focus almost exclusively on running CGIApp as
CGI (rather than under mod_perl). But I would think most developers run
under mod_perl, no?


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