At this moment, my house has no city water. Earlier this evening, I noticed that the water pressure was lower, but the water was still on. Fortunately, we have some bottled water in the basement for emergencies. Also, earlier this evening, we saw a yellow flashing light outside on what may have been a city water repair truck.

I did call 311. If you press 3 after a recording tells you that it is after hours, you get someone who is supposed to handle public works emergencies, but she said it could be 24 hours before the water is back on. I was given a service request number. She also said it was shift change time, so information may not have been available to her.

I am on the 3000 block of Guilford. It is too late to see whether others on the block also have no water, so I will ask on these list serves whether anyone else is having the same problem.

One thing I guess we all are aware of is that the water distribution system in Baltimore is ancient, and most of it should be replaced but will not be because of the expense. At least I am not seeing any flooding outside, but I may go out and take a look.


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