I know it is not the same but if it can do 1x100GE,1x100GE,1x100GE,1x100GE it 
would sort of follow that it can do 1x100GE,1x100GE,1x100GE,10x10GE

I can't really imagine a way that the underlying line card could be attached to 
the 'switch' whereby it wouldn't allow this given what it already does allow.

If the slices didn’t have the possibility of failing independently of one 
another this would matter slightly less as one could configure slice0 as 
1x100GE x4 and slice1 as 2x100GE +10x10+10x10 but since the slices can indeed 
fail independently it seems like a good idea to port-channel one port from each 
slice for each 'service'.

That is just my opinion though. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 9:06 AM
To: Drew Weaver <drew.wea...@thenap.com>
Cc: 'cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net' <cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Acceptable port configurations for ASR 9902 (gripe)

Drew Weaver via cisco-nsp wrote on 31/01/2024 14:00:
> So having a 1x100GE,1x100GE,4x25GE,10x10GE option and not a 
> 1x100GE,1x100GE,1x100GE,10x10GE option is just... laziness I guess is 
> how I would describe it.
4x25G is not the same as 1x100G - sounds like there's some weird gearbox stuff 
going on under the surface.  It would be interesting to see a technical 
description of why this restriction exists.

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