Hi Mark, I'm also running on OSX 10.5. I couldn't get it working with
the vim that comes with leopard - vim version 7.0.x

I first downloaded and tried MacVim 7.2 from
http://code.google.com/p/macvim/ but I couldn't unpack the .tbz files.

I then tried the Vim.app 7.2 from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/macosxvim/ and this works
fantastically. I'm not sure what the difference is between this and
MacVim - there's not much documentation.

The setup was easy - I just installed from the .dmg and created a
.gvimrc in addition to my .vimrc and .vim directory as before. The
only problem I had was in getting vim to see the ng client but that
was solved as per my previous post.

Hope that helps.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Mark Volkmann
<r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Adrian Cuthbertson
> <adrian.cuthbert...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think the " could be a problem in generating your path in .vimrc. Try...
>> let vimclojure#NailgunClient='/your_path/vimclojure-2.0.0/ng'
>> and don't forget also for .vimrc
>> let g:clj_want_gorilla = 1
> I fixed the "let vimclojure" line to be just like yours and I already
> had the clj_want_gorilla line, but I'm getting the same error. Here
> are all the lines I added to my .vimrc.
> let g:clj_want_gorilla=1
> let g:clj_highlight_builtins=1
> let g:clj_highlight_contrib=1
> let g:clj_paren_rainbow=1
> let 
> vimclojure#NailgunClient='/Users/Mark/Documents/Programming/Languages/Clojure/vimclojure-2.0.0/ng'
> BTW, I'm running on a Mac with OS X 10.5.
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Yasuto TAKENAKA <y.taken...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> In my environment, same error occurs ... although I have erased
>>> Gorilla and previous vimclojure packages. I install it using my
>>> installer script. If wrong, let me know.
>>> --
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> # installer.sh - a simple vimclojure installer.
>>> #   The example is that CLOJURE is ~/opt/clojure/clojure.jar,
>>> #   that CLOJURECONTRIB is ~/opt/clojure-contrib/clojure-contrib.jar
>>> #   and that VIMCLOJUREHOME is ~/opt/vimclojure .
>>> CLOJURE="${HOME}/opt/clojure/clojure.jar"
>>> CLOJURECONTRIB="${HOME}/opt/clojure-contrib/clojure-contrib.jar"
>>> VIMCLOJUREHOME="${HOME}/opt/vimclojure"
>>> cp -r {autoload,doc,ftdetect,ftplugin,indent,syntax} ${HOME}/.vim
>>> ant -Dnailgun-client=${NAILGUNCLIENT} -Dclojure.jar=${CLOJURE} -
>>> Dclojure-contrib.jar=${CLOJURE-CONTRIB}
>>> # ./ngserver is a shell script for clojure server of vimclojure.
>>> echo '#!/bin/sh' > ngserver
>>> vimclojure.jar com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGServer >>
>>> ngserver
>>> chmod 755 ngserver
>>> # echo let vimclojure#NailgunClient=\"${VIMCLOJUREHOME}/ng\">> $
>>> {HOME}/.vimrc
>>> --
>>> On 3月13日, 午前5:30, Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mar 12, 3:21 pm, Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > The README.txt file doesn't describe the files that need to be copied
>>>> > to ~/.vim. I'm getting errors starting Vim now. I suspect it's because
>>>> > I haven't copied all the necessary files to my ~/.vim directory. Which
>>>> > files do I need to copy?
>>>> Here is the copy command I used:
>>>> cp -r {autoload,bin,doc,ftdetect,ftplugin,indent,syntax} ~/.vim
>>>> Here are the errors I'm getting.
>>>> Error detected while processing function
>>>> vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput:
>>>> line   23:
>>>> E605: Exception not caught: Couldn't execute Nail! ng
>>>> de.kotka.vimclojure.nails.N
>>>> amespaceOfFile </var/folders/fd/fduD2R4HFwWXFCpC4prCMk+++TI/-Tmp-/
>>>> v920635/0
>>>> Error detected while processing /Users/Mark/.vim/ftplugin/clojure.vim:
>>>> line  131:
>>>> E171: Missing :endif
>>>> Error detected while processing function <SNR>9_LoadFTPlugin:
>>>> line   17:
>>>> E170: Missing :endfor
>>>> I do have nailgun running. The window it's in says "NGServer started
>>>> on, port 2113."
>>> >
>> >
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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