
Am 13.03.2009 um 13:45 schrieb Mark Volkmann:

Hi Mark, I'm also running on OSX 10.5. I couldn't get it working with
the vim that comes with leopard - vim version 7.0.x

So this casts a new light on the problem. It appears to be specific to
the vim that is a standard part of Mac OS X.

Ah. Ok. I use MacVim.app and it works fine. I would recommend
it without hesitating.

Please note: I cannot support stone age vim versions. I simply
don't have the time to install and test all those versions. I only
guarantee a working setup for reasonable recent versions.

If I would support such old version (once someone complained
with a Vim 6.something), I would have to re-implement 90% of
the now available library functions. That's certainly not a Good


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