On 7/29/07, Andy Dingfelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I personally think that the Eclipse CDT might be a good option to
> explore instead of focusing on other smaller, less used IDEs.

Well, yeah, like, duh.

> Thoughts from any other Eclipse users out there?

But there's this funny thing about open source.  It's not about
"thoughts."  It's about actions that actual people choose to
undertake.  And they do it for their own reasons.  Whatever turns them
on, or whatever makes them money.  If a Code::Blocks individual or
group up and decides they're gonna make Code::Blocks support for
CMake, hey presto, suddenly you have Code::Blocks support.  If an
Eclipse individual or group gets a wild hair, hey presto, Eclipse

What doesn't exist, however - and I think sometimes people make this
mistake, which is why I'm saying this - is some kind of labor pool
that just goes and implements stuff because it would be a good idea.
That's somewhat true in the proprietary commercial world, but no open
source volunteer works that way.  Thus from the standpoint of people
who will actually do the work, it has nothing to do with whether
Code::Blocks is more or less advisable than Eclipse.

I chose to make a great CMake build for the Chicken Scheme compiler.
I did it because open source builds are a sorry state of affairs on
Windows.  It just seriously bugs me, and I don't think I should have
to defect to Linux or swallow the FSF kool-aid to see quality
engineering.  I don't know if there are even 100 people in the world
who care about what I have written.  But a few people do care, and I
know that unlike most of the other open source builds out there, mine
definitely doesn't suck.  I made $0 on this.  I did it for purely
ideological reasons, not what was advisable.  In fact, I was so
ideological that I almost got evicted twice while pursuing the work!
That got old; thankfully, now I'm making money on my CMake skills so

So there's poetic justice in where I'm at now.  But sensible
allocation of resources had nothing to do with why I got started, or
why I stuck with it for a man-year.  In fact, I daresay anyone
sensible would just go get a "real" job and never bother!  Like, one
of those proprietary corporate jobs where some manager tells a bunch
of underlings what's most advisable and where they're going to put
their development energies for the next 6 months.

I don't want to be too harsh on an innocent query.  Soliciting
people's interest is often a 1st step in organizing.  Action is what
counts though.  The only way to lead in open source, is by example.
Generally speaking, you can't tell open source people what to do.
They do what they're inspired to do, because usually there isn't any
other reward for it.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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