On 7/30/07, Andy Dingfelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon (and everyone else reading this),
> I fear you misunderstood something from my last message, when you said
> "CMake's level of Java support is a strategic risk.  Eclipse isn't just
> a cross-platform crowd, it's a cross-platform heavily Java crowd.  "
> What I meant was that we need as good as possible integration between
> cmake and the eclipse CDT.  As I am sure you are aware, the CDT is 100%
> C++, and has nothing to do with Java.

No I was not aware of that.  I assumed the CDT uses underlying Java
components to manipulate C++ text files, and otherwise needs to
interface to Java in various ways.  The idea that CDT would be
completely independent from the rest of Eclipse and not have to deal
with Java at all seems improbable.  But I have not delved into the

> What the Eclipse platform really IS though, is a great platform for
> making IDEs.

Yes but my assumption is you have to write Java code to make more IDEs.

The strategic risk is that CDT implementors are a hybrid C++ and Java
crowd.  So if CMake doesn't perform well as a hybrid C++ and Java
build tool, they may not care about supporting it.  Compare Ant, which
of course does Java well, and had the beginnings of some MSVC C++
capabilities last time I checked 2 years ago.  I don't know what's
happened since then.  But the CDT developers may rightly ask, "Why
should we put our energy into CMake when we could put it into Ant?"

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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