Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Stephen Kelly
> <> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm attempting to write a unit test for the Qt 5 ActiveQt module:
>> The problem is that I don't have any prior experience with ActiveQt, and
>> in particular ActiveQt with CMake.
>> It seems that as part of the build, qmake is invoking the built
>> executable with the -dumpidl command line option. Is a post-build step or
>> a cpack macro
>> or so needed for that kind of stuff? Has anyone using CMake with ActiveQt
>> come up against that issue before? How did you solve it?
> Take a look at this mail from 8 years ago, it explains all the steps and
> the rationale and usefulness of each of them:

Yes, I found that in my search. It's linked in the commit message of the Qt 
review request I linked to.

> I think a few new macros (CMake, not CPack) are needed to generate the
> IDL, then compile it to the type library (.tlb), then combine it with the
> executable. Amb maybe even one that combines those three in one, which
> will be what people usually do.

What surprises me is that in the time since ActiveQt and CMake could be used 
together, no one else has written such macros. 

Or has everyone using the ActiveQt modules written such macros separately? 

Or is it more likely that people using ActiveQt have manually done the post-
build steps, such as -dumpidl and creating the IDL type libbrary, outside of 

I'm trying to find out how people use ActiveQt/CMake in practice in the real 
world, what compatibility needs to be kept, and if the CMake files generated 
for Qt 5 are useful at all, or need to be extended before becoming useful. 

Your reply makes me think that the Qt5 patch is useful to the same extent as 
the FindQt4 patch was useful - that it is enough that people can do the rest 
themselves (outside of CMake if needed)? Can you confirm?




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