Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
> I would say most people are not using ActiveQt and CMake together, plain
> and simple.
> For the very few who do, they are probably only using the Qt application
> as a client (i. e. load an ActiveX component), not to write servers.

Aha, and the implication is that in that case, the post-build steps such as 
running with -dumpidl and creating the IDL type library are not necessary. 
Is that correct?

How does one do that? By using the QAxContainer module and not using 
QAxServer? Are there any other post-build steps in that case at all?

> Are those macros needed and useful? Very much so . Adding them to FindQt4
> would certainly make sense to me, too.

I'm sure if they get written they'll be sufficiently generic to target both 
Qt versions without too much modification. However, if no one uses ActiveQt 
with CMake, do we need to do that at all?




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