On Jan 9, 2014, at 12:48 PM, Kyle Sluder <k...@ksluder.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014, at 07:51 AM, Andy Lee wrote:
>> As far as I know (see disclaimers), there's no reason you can't implement
>> split view delegate methods just because you're using Auto Layout, as
>> long as you aren't calling setFrame:.
> Nope. Please see the 10.8 AppKit Release Notes, which enumerate all the
> delegate methods which will kick you out of Auto Layout mode:
>> splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:
>> splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:
>> splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:
>> splitView:shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:
>> These methods are incompatible with auto layout. You can typically achieve 
>> their effects and more with auto layout.
> <https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/AppKit/RN-AppKitOlderNotes/>

Right -- that's also mentioned in the thread Michael linked to.

>> I would guess it's perfectly all
>> right to implement splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:, examine
>> the proposedPosition argument, and allow the view's width to be either
>> zero or >= the minimum width but not in between.
> This is very much not allowed, and wouldn't have been the correct
> approach even before auto layout.

You'd think splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt: would be included in 
the above list, but it isn't.  I tried implementing it and it didn't disable 
Auto Layout, as, for example, splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: 
does.  So, going by the omission from the docs and from empirical results it 
seems to me this delegate method is allowed.

Maybe it was left off the do-not-use list because there are uses for it that 
are not easily done with Auto Layout -- for example, the one described in the 

> For example, if a subview’s height must be a multiple of a certain number, 
> use this method to return the multiple nearest to proposedPosition.

In any case, to collapse the view I did indeed have to fiddle with constraints 
within the delegate method, which worked, but was ugly and totally unnecessary 

> To achieve this effect, add a mandatory greater-than-or-equal-to width
> constraint to the subview you want to be collapsible, and implement
> -splitView:canCollapseSubview: to return YES for that subview.

Oh, of course -- it's that simple.  Thanks.  I was worried that the collapsing 
might cause a conflict with constraints on views inside the collapsed view.  
But I just tried it and it works, which is exactly what one would hope.

The key point is that it *is* okay to implement *certain* split view delegate 



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