Shane Curcuru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I keep being surprised at the vehemence of feelings against writing
> down any sort of documentation that's non-technical...

I didn't mean to suggest that I oppose any of the work that Ted, you
or anyone else has done to document the fuzzy side of Apache.  In
fact, the opposite is true.  I think having good "How to contribute"
and "This is how we do things and why" documents is critical.

My concern is only when such documents become additional rules or
bylaws and individuals start linking to them in their emails as
justification for why someone has or has not done their duty.  Maybe
I'm just being picky and overly cautious.

  J Aaron Farr        [US] +1 724-964-4515 
    馮傑仁     [HK] +852 8123-7905  

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