We have one person/plot. The plots are roughly 40 sf each and we have 24 of 
them. So that makes 24 people plus a spouse/significant other here and there. 
We also seem to attract a fair amount of community/corporate volunteers every 
once in a while. And we have work sessions every so often to clean up the 
common areas. Everyone has to attend two of those every year. Those are about 
three hours long, so that comes to 24 x 3 x 2 = 144 hours of labor right there. 

But I think I answered your question in the first sentence, so I'll shut up now.

Peachtree Hills Park Community Garden

On Aug 11, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Anastasia Purgianto wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a paper on the costs of urban agriculture and I'm looking for 
> some information about how many people are needed to take care of a garden. 
> All I need is the number of persons and the size of the plot. If any of you 
> can share that information, it would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ana
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