On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 10:22 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote:
> ----- Original Message ---- From: Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >This can be tested directly.   In my own experiments 19x19 
> > improves very rapidly in UCT with each doubling of the 
> > number of play-outs.  
> May I ask the range of "number of playouts" tested?
> Have you considered taking up David Doshay's offer and running
> some multi-computer simulations? With 72 processors whirling
> away for a month or so, one could have a lot of interesting data.

Yes,  David agreed to let me use his system several weeks ago but
I have procrastinated due to many other projects and my work schedule
not to mention the time I have wasted posting on this group.

Part of my procrastination is that I'm not sure how to make UCT
scale to a large number of CPU's.    I am an expert in scaling
alpha/beta to a large numbers of processors (I did this with Socrates
on 1836 processors a few years ago) but it's different with UCT
which is inherently serial.  

I am also considering doing a public huge UCT scalability
study with 19x19 go.   My idea is for several programs to set
their program up to a "fixed" level (n play-outs) and set up
a CGOS server with really long time controls.    But I want
to just get a normal 19x19 server running first.   

> Btw, how are your experiments with D coming along? Is it becoming
> competitive, performance-wise, with C or C++?

D is a lovely language but the current compilers generate code
that is too slow for my taste.    I think this situation will
improve in the future and I will keep my eye on D.   There is
no reason I am aware of that D cannot run as fast as C.

- Don

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