With a badly designed play-out algorithm you may have a
horribly inefficent search - but it would eventually still
find the best move in principle.

- Don

On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 09:16 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
> >>> With infinite resource, i agree that random playout will find the
> best move.
> >>> But it seems that nothing is guaranteed for heavy playout.
> >> As Don pointed out before, the reason it converges to perfect play is
> >> because of the UCT part, not because of the playout part.
> > If the playout part prunes some moves, nothing is guaranteed.
> I believe the point is that UCT never prunes moves. The playouts
> performed at UCT leaf nodes are just to give an estimate to help UCT
> decide which part of the tree to explore next. I.e. heavy vs. light
> playouts are like intelligent vs. random move ordering in alpha-beta.
> Darren

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