> Thanks again for more explanations. I think the AMAF is clear to me now.

For what it is worth: I read the AMAF section as indicating that the bots
are to play using AMAF heuristics - random playouts, followed by playing
the AMAF-scored winning move, rinse and repeat. Which is why I thought
I shouldn't try until I get round to making a performant, lightweight playout.
Is that right, or are these bots supposed to play random playouts only, but
provide scoring informaton as if those playouts were part of an AMAF bot?

In either case, a working example explanation would make a useful addition.

Btw, if there was a version of the bot specification on a wiki page, people
might be able to clarify text or add questions. The wiki version could point
to the current reference version (part of the reference implementation, I
believe? I didn't want to look at Don's code until I get round to ripping out
all the extra info and experimental code I keep playing with, which keeps
my code from matching that 20k playouts/sec figure).

> This is still something I don't understand. Are there others who  implemented 
> the same thing and 
> got 111 moves per game on average? I  tried to look through some posts on 
> this list but didn't see 
> any  other numbers published.

I'm not yet implementing the reference spec, but if you're just asking
about random playouts: yes, I tend to get around 111 moves. The
most frequent game length is even shorter (81 positions+ ~39 positions
freed by capture - ~13 positions occupied by eyes => ~107 moves),
but there are more longer games than shorter ones (see histogram below).


$ ./Go.exe 0.5 10000
Size: 9
Komi: 0.5
Games: 10000 (1.3056 average black-white score difference)
Black: 5141 games (26.9716=6.6633+20.3083 average score)
White: 4859 games (25.1660=6.1724+18.9936+0.5 average score)
Draws: 0

Gobble-style eye: 442830
capture (w/o ko): 986684
ko candidate: 87978
positional superko: 34
suicide: 595044

game lengths (average: 111.1783): 

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