By the way Mark,

If you find you are not doing one of the things below exactly the same
as I am,  I would be willing to change my bot temporarily to see if it
makes the result match yours (assuming it's trivial to make the change.)

- Don

On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 13:53 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 15:00 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> > Thanks again for more explanations. I think the AMAF is clear to me now.
> > 
> > 
> > >> When you say you count all the playouts starting from an empty board,
> > >> then
> > >> I have no idea how our outcome can be different by 3-4 moves,  
> > >> which is
> > >> coincidentally the average depth of a uniform tree of 1,000,000 moves
> > >> on a 9x9 board.
> > >
> > > Well we are doing 2 completely different things - so it is  
> > > surprising to
> > > me that we actually came that close.
> > >
> > >>
> > 
> > 
> > This I don't understand. Both do a playout starting from an empty  
> > board, trying every move but ko-captures and eye-filling moves (using  
> > the same definition of eye). These are not completely different  
> > things. These should be EXACLTY the same things. The only thing  
> > different is that in my program the first few moves are selected by  
> > my UCT search instead of random selection as in your program. But I  
> > believe that does not affect the average game length one bit.
> I believe this might have a small effect on the game length, but it's
> probably not the explanation.
> > 
> > When I just run playouts from an empty board I get the same average  
> > length, confirming that UCT selection does not influence the game- 
> > length. I didn't assume you were doing a UCT search. I didn't  
> > understand what kind of search you did exactly but in any case failed  
> > to see how it would change the average game-length.
> You are getting about 3.5 extra moves.  I count pass moves including the
> 2 at the end, and I assume you do the same but if you were not that
> would bring your count down - so that doesn't explain the problem.
> This is exactly why I wanted to do this - to get verification between
> bots.   So we must explore these 2 possibilities:
>   1. I am doing it wrong.
>   2. You are doing it wrong.
> The things to check for both of us are:
>   1. proper 1 point eye definition?  
>   2. simple ko testing (are you testing for simple ko?)
>   3. proper node count accounting.
>   4. properly random (in a perfectly uniform way.)
>   5. N*3 max game length (this is probably not the issue even if it's
> wrong)
>   6. Do we stop after 2 passes?  
>   7. Never include a pass move in playout UNLESS no other move is
> possible.
>   8. suicide NOT allowed.
>   9. PSK never tested in the playouts.
> > 
> > This is still something I don't understand. Are there others who  
> > implemented the same thing and got 111 moves per game on average? I  
> > tried to look through some posts on this list but didn't see any  
> > other numbers published.
> So far I don't think anyone else has published.   Please go down my
> checklist above and I'll do the same.   If I implemented it wrong, I did
> it in all 3 bots I have completed so far, but that means little, they
> were all almost direct ports of each other in C-like languages.
> - Don
> > 
> > Mark
> > 
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