On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:25:01PM +0000, p...@tabor.com wrote:
> I think Heikki makes a valid point here. I am not a particularly strong
> player (about 1-2 dan european), but I have learned that playing
> defensively is generally detrimental to the final result, whereas taking
> the initiative is more likely to lead to a win. If moves close to the
> existing position are given much greater weight than those further away,
> this may result in more defensive play than otherwise.

Actually, as I undersand it, the rule was not to play close to the opponent's
last move, but to limit play to either
  - 3rd, 4th, or 5th row
  - near any stone already played.

This makes much more go-sense to me, even though I am a weak player
(something like 5 kyu in Denmark). This rule will allow most of the common
side extensions, invasions, etc, as well as answering any move locally or
not. It will disallow some few moyo-reducing moves, but not too many. I guess
in most cases those moyos can also be reduced by playing close enough to
other stones, and/or on the 4th or 5th line. Of course a clever player who
knows about this can direct the game so that he ends with a moyo, where the
optimal reduction move does not get considered. That sounds tricky, and the
advantage from such is slight, he can be a tiny bit more confident of keeping
his moyo...

  - Heikki

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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