On Jul 5, 2009, at 6:01 PM, David Fotland wrote:

a) I don't use timestamps. I don't have a DAG. I just reuse nodes that
have few visits or are old (I keep the depth from root in each node).

Do you save the tree between turns? If so, how do you adjust the depth from the root when a "real" move is played and one of the children of the old root becomes the new root? Similarly, do you "clear out" all of the nodes, so they don't look like they have many visits?

...or does "root" mean the beginning of the game?

b) By unsuccessful search, I assume you mean the linear search in the probe.
I don't do a probe search, so I can't help you there.  I have a strong
aversion to doing big linear searches in performance-sensitive code :)

I share the same aversion. Do you simply give up if the node indicated by (zobristHash % tableSize) cannot be overwritten?

How big are your nodes? If you have 2 GB, they are about 15 KB each. That
seems a little large.

The machine in question has 1 GB, and I believe the nodes are around 1K (for 9x9). That does imply that I should be able to fit around a million of them in there, but the machine thrashes when I go from 128K to 256K nodes.

Peter Drake

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