Okay, I've almost got it.

I'm also looking into implementing a transposition table. Some things are still unclear to me.

If you're hashing by chaining, you presumably go to the appropriate slot in the table, then traverse the (short) linked list of nodes hanging from that slot. If the node you want isn't present, though, you have to find another node you can overwrite, presumably from another chain in the hash table. How do you find such a node without a lengthy search?

Peter Drake

Firstly, I don't understand the problem you describe: "If the node you want isn't present, though, you have to find another node you can overwrite, presumably from another chain in the hash table." Are you referring to a node that was inserted, then overwritten, and now you need it again?

Secondly, to find a node that has to be overwritten, do you have a criteria that always finds "the node the least probable to be used again", or can it also return that there aren't any nodes in this chain that should be overwritten? The first one would always limit the search to a single chain, without looking at other chains in the hash table, wouldn't it?

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