On 9/05/2016 23:16, Erik van der Werf wrote:
> Why not McMahon? (possibly with reduced handicap).  It works fine in
> human Go tournaments.


How does this work? That page doesn't mention handicaps. Indeed, the
idea seems to be to eliminate large strength disparities in the early
rounds of Swiss.

> IMO KGS Swiss is pretty boring for most of the time, and the scheduler
> often seems to have a lot of undesired influence on the final ranking.
> Also at this point I'm really not that interested any more to see some
> top engine win yet another bot tournament without serious competition;
> I'd be more interested to see how many stones they could give to the
> rest. Wouldn't it be fun to see how many stones AlphaGo could give to CS?

I'm not sure if this is a comment on the tournament format or wishful
thinking about the number and level of the tournament participants :-)

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