Hello everyone, nice to meet you all. I've recently started writing a go engine as a change of pace from dealing with my chess engine's horrible coding style and data structures. I'm doing pretty well so far but unfortunately there isn't that much information on some things so I have to ask these probably basic questions here. Here are my questions:

1. On single-point eye detection: how is this generally done? I first used the definition that we have a single-point eye if a point has only our stones as neighbours and at most 1 diagonal neighbour is not our stone if in the middle of the board or that all diagonal neighbours are ours if on the edge of the board. This was however very slow, and when I replaced my definition with the definition found in Pachi(all neighbouring stones must be ours, at most 1 enemy stone is our diagonal neighbour if in the middle of the board and none if at the edge of the board) I get 4x the amount of playouts with longer games. Which one is the correct one, or is something else?

2. On playouts: How many light playouts per second on 9x9/19x19 on a single thread is considered fast nowadays?

3. On GTP-protocol and final_score: How do you score a board where the game hasn't ended(i.e. there are moves left which are legal and don't kill off our groups)? Almost all scoring methods require that dead stones are removed, and I can't figure out how to do that easily. Or do you just assume everything on the board is alive?

Thanks in advance,

Mikko Aarnos
Computer-go mailing list

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