Thank you for your reply.
The version number is 0.6-pre-1.

Also, in the Edit menu of this version I could not find preferences. I definitely need preferences. In the previous version there was this nice vertical refinement toolbar, and icons in the menus. I miss them, too.

The general torsion function is not as good as the torsion in old X-fit. In x-fit you click on two atoms of a single bond and you can rotate the rest of the molecule around that bond. This bond can be in the middle of the main chain etc. It's a very useful function, if you need to rotate a polypeptide around a single bond. Are you planning to do a similar thing?


Paul Emsley wrote:
I tried today the new version (-0.6) and see some problems.
1. Simple mutate for nucleotides. The program makes Gr, Cr etc. in DNA (should be Gd, Cd etc). And it does not mutate to thymine at all, because there is no Tr. Where can I say that it's a DNA?

This has been fixed up recently - or so I believe. Please let us know the revision number. The output of
$ coot --version
is useful for us.

2. Where is pukka puckers...??

withdrawn due to a coding error. It should be straightforward to fix, but as yet has not been.


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