Paul, Bernhard,

Thank you for your reply. I am using version:

0.6-pre-1 (revision 1950) [with guile 1.6.8 embedded]. I will upgrade it with gtk2 in the name.

Thank you for working on the torsion thing.

Well, now help me with key-bindings, please. I need one or two buttons on the mouse for map dragging. Pymol and x-fit use the middle button for translation. It confuses me all the time, when I work in coot after working in pymol. Do you have any unused two-button combinations on the mouse? If it's not possible to touch the mouse buttons in the key-bindings, please help me to program arrow key for translation. Could you give me a script for that, I can't write it myself.


Paul Emsley wrote:
Maia Cherney wrote:

The general torsion function is not as good as the torsion in old X-fit.

Are you or have you ever been a member of the von Delft Pressure Group?

In x-fit you click on two atoms of a single bond and you can rotate the rest of the molecule around that bond. This bond can be in the middle of the main chain etc. It's a very useful function, if you need to rotate a polypeptide around a single bond. Are you planning to do a similar thing?

Yes - we intend to have that before version 1.0.


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