* on the Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 07:48:11PM -0400, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>> You'll reconsider your thoughts after some stupid glitch causes your NFS 
>>> mounts to fail, and then the server begins to create random mailboxes on 
>>> the local disk, and generally screw up everyone's mail clients.
>> I don't quite understand your logic. It seems to me that you're suggesting
>> the option hasn't been added for anyone to use, simply due to the existance
>> of NFS...
> That's just one example of the same underlying concept.

>> What about the people not using NFS, ie the majority?
> What about people doing their jobs and either creating the mailboxes 
> themselves, or setting up a proper account provisioning script, which sets 
> the new account's login id and password, and creates the account's mailbox?
> It is not the IMAP server's job to create mailboxes which did not exist.

But it *would* be useful for *some* people... And the code has already
been written... Exim can create maildir's that don't exist when it delivers
mail. It's the same concept as far as I can see, and is very useful.

We have a system where I work, where a mailbox is set up by inserting a
row into a database, and then sending a welcome email to the new mailbox
so, Exim creates it and courier doesn't barf when the user sets up their
email client. It's probably not exim's job to create Maildir's either,
but it's a very useful option, so they included it.

Maybe courier should treat a maildir that doesn't exist, as an empty
maildir, rather than just failing? Or maybe that should be a
configurable option?

> If the account's mailbox did not exist it could be because someone simply 
> made a typo somewhere, or some other kind of a mistake.

Or it could be by design. That's my point. That's why I'm suggesting it
should be an *option*.

> No assumptions whatsoever can be made, other that something is wrong

Or correct...

> and, in which case, the correct course of action os to report an error.
> Trying to do a job that's not yours to do, or attempting to second-guess
> what the right thing to do, will always lead to problems.

It sounds like you think I was suggesting creating maildir's be the
default, and only action. That's not what I said. I said, it should be
an *option*. Ie stick something in the config file to turn maildir
creation on..


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