On Aug 31, 2017, at 9:10 PM, Ask Bjørn Hansen <a...@perl.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We’re considering how/how-much we can make www.cpan.org TLS-only.
> http://log.perl.org/2017/08/tls-only-for-wwwcpanorg.html
> I expect that we can’t make the whole site TLS-only without breaking some 
> CPAN clients, so the conservative version is to force TLS for
> - any url ending in *.html
> - any url not in matching some variation of
>     (/authors/ | /MIRRORED.BY | ^/modules/[^/]+ )
> Does that sound about right? Maybe /src/, too?
> (Also - we will support TLS for www.cpan.org permanently now, so please 
> update URLs where possible and appropriate).

That file does not prevent someone from taking over the domain and modifying 
the files. Nor will it notice man-in-the-middle attacks. Without Any request 
without TLS has no proof of domain control. That, along with encryption, is the 
driving force behind the current “TLS for everything” movement.



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