Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Hi, Rayburn...
> Let me tell you what finally enabled me to start making totally css-layout
> sites, using only tables for tabular data.
> I went to http://www.templateworld.com/free_templates.html and downloaded
> several free sites, including all images and other assets that you need for
> a complete site, and basically re-created from scratch, their css files and
> html files to see how each step affected what I was doing...Trimmed--->}
> Rick

Yes, indeed...

Just remember, not to forget, there is not one layout on the above 
referenced page, that is not broken with user discretion to scale the 
fonts to +2, and destroyed at +3. Mostly it has to do with imposing 
height restrictions. Make a "pretty picture" with CSS if that is your 
want-- just make sure that pretty picture can withstand a little stress 
and strain, and that it can get pushed around and shoved around, without 
turning into an explosion in a liquor store...

Best wishes for your success, Rayburn.


PS Stick with it and with this list.


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