> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Laakso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 8:47 AM
> To: Rick Faircloth
> Subject: Re: [css-d] problems with CSS and floats
> > 
> Now, if we can get you to just stop top-posting (it screws up the
> archives and makes it impossible to follow a logical thread), and into
> trimming the unessential (it just loads everyone's mailbox), maybe we
> can get back to what this list is all about : the practical application
> of CSS. Notice I have written below you, and what is not essential to
> communicate these thoughts, has been trimmed.
> Please know, as well, it is not necessary to lash-out at everyone on the
> list who is attempting to help you and others. We do the best we can.
> Accept what you can. Ignore the rest. Correct someone who has made an
> error if you feel so inclined; but, make sure, as best you can, that the
> error (or misconception) is theirs and not yours.
> I hope you have a pleasant and enjoyable weekend, and I look forward to
> your continued questions, answers, and support of CSS and Web standards...
> Best wishes,
> ~d

Whoa, David!

I don't remember "lashing out" at anyone... you included.

I've just simply notice a sometimes subtle, sometimes not,
virtual "cane lashing" of anyone who doesn't follow the religious CSS dogma
adopted by some or many on this list.

For example, personally, at this point, I don't care if anyone
ever reads any of my sites on a "text-only" browser.  If they want
to go that route, no problem here, but they have *no* right to
any expectation that anyone should ever code for that decision.

Now, again, if there are those who want to accommodate them, fine,
but there should be no expectation that they *should*... *BIG* difference.

I just make it a point to defend anyone who is being chastised for not
adhering to the CSS coding standards that "someone else" adopts.  What standards
everyone decides to adhere to and how far they want to employ CSS methods in
building websites is *totally* a matter of personal choice.

If there were a CSS god who dictated with absolute authority what standards
and practices should be employed, then I'd submit.

But I know of no one who has the authority over me to proscribe what my
CSS coding behavior and standards will be in this world

Some on this list just a little bit that "Taliban" mentality, and I don't like 
and say so... just to keep things in balance.


PS - Notice... I didn't top post... see, I'm flexible!

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