-Caveat Lector-

pennie hammons wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >He means that J was not a revolutionary against Judaism as is depicted in
> >the
> >NT. He WAS a great revolutionary against Rome. For this he was crucified.
> >There were only two scenarios that warranted crucifixion under the Romans.
> >Political insurrection, and runaway slaves.
> >
> >Jews considered crucifixion an abomination like human sacrifice.
> >
> >
> I don't know what books you've been reading, but you obviously don't know a
> thing about Jesus.

I know much more than you do about J.

> It was Jesus Barabbas who was the political
> insurrectionist whom Pilate released to the people instead of Jesus the
> Christ. The Jews at that time chose a leader who was opposed to Roman rule
> and willing to rise up against them, rather than the peaceableness of
> Christ's nature.

I know which books you've been reading. Try some that are historical for
a change.


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