Click Here: <A HREF="">The
Diana Forum</A>


This site is devoted to exposing the forces behind the wrongful deaths and
murders of Diana, Princess of Wales, Dodi Fayed, and Henri Paul in Paris,
France on August 31, 1997.  The central tenet of WeThePeople is that the
primary motive force behind the murders of Diana and Dodi is Elizabeth
Regent, current Queen of England, and William Jefferson Clinton, President of
the United States. Queen Elizabeth ordered the murder of Diana and Dodi
because she could not stomach the idea of William and Harry having a Muslim
step-father.  President Clinton, doing the bidding of New World Order forces,
was a willing co-conspirator. New World Order forces, knowing long ago they
would be going to war in Serbia, could not risk that Diana, who had shown
particular interest in that region via her anti-landmine campaign in Bosnia,
would intervene, ala Jesse Jackson, only with far greater effect, to stop the
madness and thus undermine their carefully laid plans.
We want to thank all of you for your continued support of the Diana Forum.

WeThePeople Home Page   CIA Drugs   Kevin Warren    TheWebTimes



The above photograph, one of the most historic ever taken, was shot
approximately 600 yards from the Le Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, where the
ambulance carrying Diana had inexplicably stopped for ten minutes, allegedly
to administer a dose of adrenaline to Diana, explicitly denied by the
hospital.  This photo summarizes the entire scenario behind Diana's murder:
Here you have a French official talking on his cell phone, while not more
than ten feet away the mother of the future King of England's life drains
away, when this official and every other official present should have been yel
ling and screaming at the top of their lungs for the ambulance to dispatch
with all haste to the hospital, where a medical team of 25 of Paris' most
experienced medical professionals had been assembled and could very well have
saved the poor woman, if only they would get the ambulance to the hospital!
To the Fayed Camp:  You should forthwith use all resources necessary to
identify who this official is, who he is talking to on his cell phone, and
what was said.  Further more, you should match photos of the medical
personnel in the ambulance with those reported to be on board.  Do they
match?  And if so, are there any other personnel inside the ambulance who are
not reported to have been on board?  In an extremely good close-up of this
photo that we possess and that we forwarded to you (actually a separate photo
taken from the same angle, only zoomed in) you can see three distinct people
inside the ambulance.  Were three people reported to have traveled in the
ambulance to the hospital?  Did unknown persons enter the ambulance at any
point?  On this last issue, we will have much more to say in the future.
Suffice it to say now a full and complete accounting of all personnel in and
around the ambulance that night is an imperative.
One email correspondent to this website has speculated the official might not
be French, but British.  This is a definite  possibility.  If our hunch is
right, a legitimate SAMU crew arrived at the Alma tunnel with the express
purpose of doing everything in its power to save Diana.  However, once it
became clear that high-level powers were involved, and that they (the
doctors) were being thwarted from doing their job (by a compromised ambulance
driver driving at a snail's pace?), the doctors balked, deciding they wanted
no part in what was unfolding, thus necessitating the two stops on the way to
the hospital, one only 600 yards away. It may be at either or both of these
stops that unknown persons entered the ambulance, for the purpose of doing to
Diana what the legitimate SAMU medical personnel would not and could not
bring themselves to do.
There would be no logical reason for the hospital to have released that
statement denying specifically that it had stopped the ambulance in front of
the hospital if the doctors aboard had been legitimate.  It would be
interesting to match up photos of these "doctors" with British embassy
personnel known to have been in Paris that weekend, especially when we
consider MI6 top officials Richard Spearman and Richard Dearlove were both
reported to be in Paris that weekend, operating out of the British Embassy.
One thing to constantly  remember is that Diana died because of that
obscenely long one hour ride to the hospital, and that ambulance ride can
never, ever be justified by the French.


 Master Chronology Of Events Surrounding
The Crash That Killed Diana, Princess Of Wales, On 31 August 1997

Diana's Stalkers - Photo Gallery

The Web Page of Richard W. McCullough



On May 5th, pap photographer James Andanson was found burned to death in his
car in France.  Andanson was known to have owned a white Fiat Uno, and was
believed by the Fayed camp, and many independent investigators, to have been
in Paris at the time of the crash.  His Fiat Uno was also believed by some to
have been the missing Uno that crashed with the mercedes and sped away from
the scene.  Scratches on the mercedes matched the paint on the Uno.  Could
the car pictured above be the Andanson Uno?  These are frames of a video
taken by Australian tourists Chole Papazahariakis and Viad Borovac, and
published by Australian Woman's Day.  The video was shot in the Place Vendome
outside the Ritz hotel the night of the accident.  The car, a small white
Uno, at first took off after the decoy car, but then broke away from the
pack, raced the wrong way down a one-way street, and joined the pack
following the Mercedes carrying Di and Dodi.  The car was believed to belong
to an unidentified member of the paparazzi.  The video only captures part of
the license plate, and what it did capture was unreadable to the naked eye.
The Paris police reportedly used advanced photographic techniques to try to
identify the license plate number - and the  owner.  Could it be the French
were finally able to identify the license plate?  And knew it was only a
matter of time before the Fayed camp could too, and thus definitely place
Andanson at the scene of the crime?  If so, was he silenced to keep him from
blowing the lid on the entire assassination?


In this computer simulation, the backrider on the "powerful bike" fires
a military-grade laser light gun at the mercedes, blinding driver Henri Paul


New link:
The Death of Princess Diana: What Caused The Crash At The Point d'Alma?


 UK, French Journalists Confide:
Princess Diana Assassinated Diana's Murderers
Loose Cannon Terminated by M16  Diana's Murderers, Part II
Kings Are Killed - And Queens   Chilling Trail That Leads To Diana Murder
The Government Controlled Media Princess Diana Was Warned
Royalty Is Left With One Big Ticking Bomb   "Palace Would Never Allow Diana
To Marry A Muslim"
Murder? Drunk Driving? Stupidity?   The Day Diana Died: Excerpts And Analysis
The Tyranny of Power    Henri Paul Was Not Drunk
Diana, the Monarchy and the Crisis in Britain
by Alan Woods   The October Surprise And The Murder Of  Diana
Delay Cost Diana Her Life   Anatomy Of A Lie
Fergie: They Got Diana, And I'm Next!   Who Is Patrick Riou?
"Did "Le Cercle" Kill Diana?    The Coming Fall Of  Clinton And The Queen
The Ttragedy Of Bill Clinton    India A-Bomb Bitter Fruit Of Diana's Murder
Testimonal Of Mohommad Al Fayed The Coming Holy War:
Reaping The Bitter Whirlwind Of Diana's Murder
Diana's Death: An Assassination?    Inmates Running The AslyumEVIDENCE GALLERY
Master Chronology Of Events Surrounding
The Crash That Killed Diana, Princess Of Wales, On 31 August 1997
French Knew From Start Second Car Involved
Paris Police Sketch Of Crash Scene
Ritz Hotel Video - ExtremeVideo Link
Transcript Of Diana - Secrets Behind The Crash
Excerpts From The Book Of Truth On The Death Of Diana
The Diana Papers: Official Sanction For Murder?
Diana's Stalkers - Photo Gallery
Map of Alma Tunnel
Upcoming Witness Summit: Who's Real, And Who's Fake
Alma Photo Gallery
Diana Murder Car?
Henri Paul's Pilot Exam
The Affidavit of Richard Tomlinson
Compendium Of Diana Transcripts
95% Of Those Polled Think Diana Murdered
Explosive New Evidence In Diana Investigation
Diana: One Day MI5 Will Do Away With Me!
Diana's Mercedes Only Going 60 MPH
Assassination Attempt Against TRJ
Man Who Claimed To Possess Diana Murder Documents Arrested By CIA, FBI
Documents Detail Plot To Murder Princess Diana
Henri Paul Suffered Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Swiss Air Flight 111: Accident Or Murder?
Swiss Air Flight 111 Coverup Starts To Unravel
***Urgent Press Release***
Swiss Air Flight 111: Accident Or Murder?
Letter To Admiral Thomas Moorer
Chevenement Lies In Coma Under Mysterious Circumstances
Interview With Richard Tomlinson
US Spy Agency Admits To Top Secret Diana Files
 British Intelligence Said To Be Source Of Lies
Letter From Oswald LeWinterLINKS
Definitive Diana Crash Analysis Web Site
The Mysteries Surrounding The Death Of Diana
Executive Intelligence Review
Diana Page
The Political Murder of Diana by
Dr. Klaus Wagner
The Way Ahead Group
Diana Conspiracy Newsgroup
Princess Diana Link and Update Page
Diana: News And Media Stories
Let Them Know What You Think!
Letter To Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin
President Jacques Chirac
Monsieur Jean-Pierre Chevenement
Ministre de l'Interieur
Madame Elisabeth Guigou
Ministre de la Justice
Ambassador François Bujon de l'Estang
Embassy of France in Washington D.C.
Other Links of Interest
Truth In Media

On June 11, 1998, there appeared on CBS 48 Hours television show a one hour
special devoted to the Alma crash.  Fortunately, we taped this program.  At
the time, we didn't think much of it.  The host, Dan Rather, let it be known
from the outset that he thought it was a case of the paps, booze and speed.
Hence we put the tape on our bookshelf where it gathered dust.  Our mistake.
It was only after a recent viewing of the program, sometimes frame by frame
(which is the only way to really watch it), did we realize what we had.  The
CBS 48 Hours special on the Alma car crash is one of the most important
documentaries ever made.  It rivals, indeed, surpasses the CBS nightly news
broadcast that appeared one day after the crash of TWA Flight 800.  On this
broadcast they showed the actual radar images from TWA flight 800.  These
radar images showed a missile circling around, and then striking, the big
jumbo jet.  But unfortunately, nobody in the entire western world appears to
have videotaped that newscast, and said newscast and said radar images have
seemingly vanished off the face of the earth.  Fortunately, the CBS 48 Hours
Diana special didn't meet a similar fate.
Some of the unforgettable images we will be showing you over the next several
weeks were culled from that program.  But most important of all, the 48 Hours
Diana special included an interview with witness Brian Anderson, an American
businessman who was in Paris that night, and who was traveling behind the
mercedes at a distance in a taxi cab.  We had heard Mr. Anderson speak many
times before, as we are sure most people have.  But we have never heard him
say what he said to Dan Rather that night.  In clear, unequivocal language,
Anderson says he saw a damaged motorcycle down on the ground, in the tunnel,
as he and his taxi driver passed the crash scene.  The only other known
mention of this damaged motorcycle was a CNN report dated the day of the
crash.  Anderson's statements confirmed the existence of this motorcycle.  We
kindly ask you to click on his photo to hear his statements in his own words.


Brian Anderson

Absent the sudden reemergence of British secretary Brenda Wells, Anderson's
words are the strongest direct evidence we have of a conspiracy.  His words
offer concrete proof of foul play present in the car crash that killed Diana
and Dodi.The French have certainly never spoken one word about this
motorcycle or even acknowledged its existence, nor have they given any
indication of who may have been on the motorcycle, if they were injured at
the scene, or if indeed they are alive.  If this motorcycle and its rider(s)
were part of the assassination team, as they surely were, then that of course
explains the French silence.
To Mohammed Al Fayed:  First, let us say we were heartened by your comments
in Talk Magazine, which were forwarded to us.  In it, you named Prince Philip
directly as one of the primary forces behind your son's murder.  We haven't
heard you speak this openly before.  Bravo.  But you must keep in mind that
old saw: "My real enemy has yet to reveal himself."  So it may be with you.
Even as you move to bring Philip, et al., to the bar of justice for their
crimes, you must keep in mind your real enemy lives here in the United
States, a man who had the power to look away blindly and allow the murder to
go forward, or intervene decisively and stop it.  Inevitably, you and this
man must battle if you are to achieve true justice for your beloved son.
Steel yourself to the task ahead, even as you deal with more immediate
concerns.  God will give you strength.  You should also draw strength from
courageous women such as Paula Jones, Linda Ives and Jean Duffey - brave
individuals who had the conviction to take on the most powerful man in the
world, and achieve victory (as in the case of Paula Jones) or are still
fighting bravely against all the odds (Linda Ives and Jean Duffey).
And now to the issue at hand: Brian Anderson's statements, except to those
who just don't want to face the facts, offer concrete, hard-core,
court-admissible evidence of foul play.  Mr. Fayed, you should immediately
take this evidence and plop it on Judge Stephan's desk.  You should then ask
- no, demand - that he produce the damaged motorcycle along with a detailed
forensic analysis.  You should demand to know who was on the motorcycle, what
happened to them,if the motorcycle impacted with the mercedes, if the
rider(s) were injured, if they were taken to the hospital, if they escaped
and were not found, in short, any and everything there is to know about this
motorcycle and its rider(s).
We don't believe the French will ever willingly concede the existence of this
motorcycle.  They know full well their goose is cooked if they do.  They only
way they will do so is if you and the public at large raise cain to such an
extent they can no longer remain silent and are forced to concede the truth.
To our readers:  After you listen to the above .WAV file, you should save
it.  You can do this by using the FIND function in your Explorer menu.
Search for the file Anderson3.wav.  Usually it will be in your Windows/Temp
directory or the cache directory of your browser.  You can then save it to a
folder or directory of your choice.
This is important should Anderson, under threat or coercion, later change or
modify his statements.  This .WAV file, and the video from which it was
taken, are undeniable proof that he in fact said what he said, and saw what
he saw.








The above photographs, captured from a CBS 48 Hours documentary on the Alma
crash which aired on June 11, 1998, certainly rank among the most important
ever taken.  We don't know who took these photographs, although we have our
suspicions.  No matter.  What is important is that the pap who took them had
the good sense, amid the chaos of that night, to follow the ambulance until
it got to the hospital.  We could go on for days discussing the implications
of these photos.  Here are just a few of the things the Fayed camp as well as
our readers need to consider:
1.  Are the SAMU crew who work on Diana in photos 1 and 2 (numbering from top
to bottom) the same as the men who are working on her in photos 3 and 4?Photos
 1 and 2 were taken in the tunnel.  Photos 3 and 4 taken 600 yards from the
hospital when the ambulance, for reasons yet to be satisfactorily explained,
just dead stopped for ten minutes.  Although 1 and 2 were taken from behind,
we understand there are advanced enhancement techniques that allow for
profile matching, even in a case such as this.  Helping matters considerably
is the overall good quality of photo 4.  The two "doctors" in the photo have
readily identifiable features.  Also, it should not be that difficult for the
Fayed camp, if necessary, to obtain frontal shots of the medical personnel
working on Diana in the tunnel.  Again, we ask, are they the same people?
And if not, did at some point unidentified personnel enter the ambulance
during its slow crawl to the hospital?
2.  In photo 1, there appears to be a police motorcycle in the bottom of the
frame.  This reminds us of the two police motorcycles that somehow lost the
crawling ambulance.  How do you lose a crawling ambulance?  Was it
deliberate?  And if so, why?  And who gave the order?  Was the withdrawal of
the motorcycle escort the French saying to the British, "Look, if you want to
do her in, that's your business.  We want no part in it." - at which point
medical crews are switched, a British crew substituting for the SAMU crew,
and the French motorcycle escort goes on its merry way, thus leaving the
ambulance and escort cars entirely British operated?
3.  Photo 3 is a close-in shot of the very first photo we posted at the top
of this segment.  It is a good quality shot of the French official talking on
his cell phone.  Again, who is this official?  What exactly did he see that
night?  The Fayed camp should have no problems identifying him.  And who is
he talking to?  Could it possibly be Chevenenment? And might he not be
British rather than French?  And if British, might it not be profitable to
check his face against known British intelligence personnel operating out of
the British Embassy that weekend?
4.  Regarding photo 4: What can we say?  Years from now, when your children
and grandchildren ask you, Who killed Diana?  You may very well open your
photo album and show them this photograph.  In our humble opinion, this may
be the single most historic photograph ever taken.
    A:  Photo 4 was taken 600 yards from the hospital.  We all know the
scenario by now: Supposedly the ambulance had stopped because Diana had
entered cardiac arrest and it was necessary to administer a shot of
adrenaline.  But the hospital went out of its way to deny it had stopped the
ambulance so that adrenaline could be administered.  We believe the
hospital.  So we ask, what in God's name were they doing to the poor woman in
that ambulance?
    B:  Were they trying to save her life?  Or were they trying to do
something other than save her life?  Did these men have their own secret
agenda, which was not in the best interests of Diana?
    C:  And by the way, who the hell are these men?  Are they the same
"doctors" who started out with Diana when the ambulance left the tunnel?
Statements from the supposed doctors that treated Diana in the tunnel have
been reported in a number of books on the crash.  Thus it should be a
straightforward matter for the Fayed camp and internet investigators to match
up the names of the doctors with the actual faces of these men.  Do they
match?  Are they in fact the same people?  And if not, do they match up with
known MI6 operatives operating out of the British Embassy that weekend?
    D:  In the photo, two men are readily identifiable.  However, if you look
closely, you can also see the arm of a third person.  This arm appears to be
holding Diana's IV bag.  Unless that arm is Diana's, which is highly
unlikely, that would mean at least three people are in the ambulance at this
point.  Has it been reported there were three SAMU personnel in the
ambulance?  How many people has it been reported were in the ambulance?
    E:  In this photo, and in other photos we have of these men, there
appears to be no great urgency on their faces.  Remember, we are told that
Diana supposedly has gone into cardiac arrest.  An attempt is to be made to
revive her.  Yet where is the urgency?  Is it just us that sees nothing in
these men's faces that leads one to believe Diana is in fact in cardiac
arrest?  You have the same complacency as the official talking on his cell
phone while the ambulance dawdles only 600 yards from the hospital.  The same
complacency as Chevenenment wonders where the ambulance is.  Admittedly, this
is a highly subjective view from us, but we think it still valid.  We find
nothing in these men's faces that lead us to believe they were doing what
they claimed they were doing.  Somehow, it epitomizes the entire scenario of
Diana's wrongful death.
We urge you to study those faces in photo 4, burn them into your memory.
Everyone knows what we think happened that night: That Diana, though
seriously hurt, wasvery much alive after the crash and most assuredly would
have lived if taken immediately to the hospital; that the purpose of that
long ambulance ride was not to increase her chances of survival, but to
reduce her chances of surviving, the architects of the car crash fearing the
consequences if she lived; that at some point, the French decided they wanted
out, thus necessitating at least one of the stops along the route, with a
possible change from French to British medical personnel; that even after all
this, Diana was still strong, alive, and fighting, hence the need to stop
only 600 yards from the hospital,to take decisive action to ensure her
ultimate demise before she reached Le Pitie Salpetriere.
We know all this is difficult to stomach.  Even we don't like to think about
it.  To think that Diana, who may have been aware what was happening to her,
and tried to fight...  Like we said, even we don't like to think about it.
Although we have no intentions whatsoever of closing our website, we believe
we have fulfilled the promise we made to Diana way back when.  We believe we
have identified the men directly responsible for her death.  Save photo 4,
put it on a disk, bury it.  So that long after the ashes and dust have
settled on our civilization, and future historians try to discover anew just
who killed the glittering Princess of Wales, they may find your disk, see the
photo, and have their answer.



Brian Anderson - 48 Hours


Joanna Luz - CNN Aug 31, 1997


Scott Macleod - Time Magazine  CNN - Aug 31, 1997


 Tom Richardson - CNN Aug 31, 1997




Excerpts From The Book Of Truth On The Death Of Diana


Page One
Page Three

These heavily censored documents give us a hint of the concern Diana's
anti-landmine campaign had caused among American military planners.  The
question before all thinking men and women is this: Did Diana's crusade cause
consternation to such an extent within the US military that it was only too
glad to look the other way when the orders to get rid of Diana were handed
down?  It has never been the contention of WeThePeople that the orders to
kill Diana came from the United States.It has been our contention that US
political leaders (Clinton) and US military leaders (the Joint Chiefs) looked
the other way and allowed the Crown's sanction to go forward.  And these
documents only reinforce our contention.
The release of these documents is a small first step.  Actually, the Defense
Intelligence Agency is being quite disingenuous.  This report is dated after
Diana's death.  What we need to know is just how much of a threat the Defense
Department viewed Diana before her death.


We've had time to review the videotaped statements of some of the witnesses,
as well as published reports of what the SAMU doctors said and did.  Here are
our thoughts:
1.  Scott Macleod, in the audio tape excerpt above, states a witness told him
he saw a motorcycle down in the tunnel.  This eyewitness is entirely
independent of Brian Anderson.  Anderson did not stop at the scene and only
came forward the next day when he learned it was Diana in the car that he saw
had crashed in the tunnel.  Thus we have independent confirmation of the
downed bike.
Macleod also makes mention of the fact that someone told him one of the paps
(presumably whoever was on the downed bike) was taken to the hospital.  When
we consider the fact that the first ambulance on the scene was not SAMU, but
from the fire department (which is connected to the french military), this
account makes sense.  If one of the members of the assassination team went
down, then the necessity to get him and his bike out of the tunnel as quickly
as possibly.  We still have no accounting of who if anyone left in that first
fire department ambulance.  The abridged Stephan report pointedly makes no
mention of it, nor does it tell us what happened to it, where it went, and
who was in it.
2.  According to the Book of Truth on the Death of Diana, a certain doctor
Jean-Marc Martino arrived in a SAMU ambulance at 12:32am.  Dr. Martino says
he arrived on the scene with his driver and an intern medical student
(Michael Massebeuf). Let's leave aside the wisdom of an intern being a member
of the medical team attending the princess.  We now have names we can attach
faces to.  There is also mention of a Dr. Armold Derossibeing onboard the
SAMU.  However, the text is unclear about this.  At one point he states he
arrived with the SAMU, but Dr. Martino makes no mention of him at any point.
Dr. Martino is quite specific: "I went off with the resuscitation ambulance
and its usual crew: a paramedic driver and an intern who is a medical student
in training."  No mention of Dr. Derossi.  But let's be generous.  Let's say
Dr. Derossi was in the ambulance when it arrived and left for the hospital.
Thus we have three readily identifiable figures, and one (the driver) whose
identity we don't know as yet.
Dr. Jean-Marc Martino
Dr. Armold Derossi
Michael Massebeuf, Ambulance Attendant
To all our friends, especially our good friends in France: it should be a
simple matter to obtain photos of these men and compare them with the men we
see treating Diana in the ambulance.  Do the photos match?  Are they the same
men?  If they do match, then these men owe the world a detailed,
comprehensive explanation as to just what the hell they were doing in that
ambulance only 600 yards from the hospital.  They also need to explain why
the hospital went out of its way to specifically deny it had stopped the
ambulance so a shot of adrenaline could be administered.  If the photos don't
match, and at some point unauthorized personnel entered the ambulance, then
we need to know who they are, what they are doing there, and why.
Now let's quote Michael Massebeuf:
"At the Jardin des Plantes, the doctor [which doctor? Dr. Martino?] asked me
to stop.  We stopped for about five minutes so he could carry out a treatment
which required absolute immobility."
Wow!  Immediately one has to ask: What "treatment" required absolute
immobility?  Long-time students of the Diana case will certainly know the
answer to that!
And now Dr. Martino:
"We stopped at the end of the pont d' Austerlitz.  The patient was suffering
a fall in blood pressure.  Then we left again for the hospital, where we
delivered the Princess to the duty [of the] resuscitation team, under the
charge of Professor [Bruno] Riou, to whom I explained the situation.  The
victim had weak BP (blood pressure) and had been intibated and ventilated."
Wow again!  Notice the monumental sleigh of hand.  In one moment we have the
princess suffering a fall in blood pressure.  Then, presto! in the next
sentence the ambulance is once again on its way. Why doesn't Dr. Martino tell
us what happened in the ten minutes from the time they stopped to treat her
falling blood pressure, to the time the ambulance takes off again?  What
transpired in that ten minute interval?
We sympathize with Dr. Martino's predicament.  If the world were to ever know
the truth of what transpired in Dr. Martino's missing ten minutes, not only
France and Britain, but the entire Western world might now be in the throes
of violent upheaval and revolution!
Some Additional thoughts
Re-reading Dr. Martino's statements, it's clear that if Dr. Derossi arrived
with the SAMU ambulance, he didn't leave with it.  Dr. Martino makes it plain
that he was in charge and the sole physician on board.
Another matter: It's been a long while since we have mentioned it, but never
forget the role Patrick Riou may have played in Diana's demise.  At the time
of the crash, Patrick Riou was head of Police Judiciae in Paris. He arrived
at the scene 15 minutes after the crash and took over security of the crash
site.  Before assuming his post as head of Police Judiciae, he was head of
the French-Spanish Anti-Terrorism Group, which was closely linked to GAL
death squads.  Speculation has long been that Patrick Riou himself may have
commanded a secret network of death squads capable of carrying out the
assassination of Princess Diana.
Also, never forget the role of landmines.  It is a documented fact that after
Diana spoke with Hillary, President Clinton agreed to sign on to the Ottawa
Initiative for the total abolition of landmines.  It's also a fact that after
Diana's death, Clinton decided it wouldn't be a good idea after all.  America
is the world's preeminent merchant of death, with world-wide sales of arms in
the billions.  And read between the lines in the DIA documents.  Post-Cold
War, why would the Pentagon be concerned about landmines in the defense of
Europe?  Of course it wasn't, NATO/NWO forces long ago knowing they would be
going to war in Serbia, and one, knowing they might possibly need landmines
as a defense in a worst case scenario, and two, fearing Diana would intervene
to stop the slaughter.
An email correspondent has tentatively identified the French official talking
on his cell phone as Marcel Vinzerich.  Vinzerich, according to the Book of
Truth on the Death of Diana, is a senior officer with the Prefect of Police
in Paris.  It was he who was in charge of the ambulance escort.  Vinzerich
thus would have been in a position to control how fast the convoy moved (or
didn't move as the case may be); to allow unauthorized personnel in the
ambulance (if a foul-play scenario present); and in general to ensure that
Diana, if and when she arrived at the hospital, would face a dramatically
reduced chance of survival.
This correspondent has further discovered:
* Marcel Vinzerich was recently awarded the French Legion of Honor.
* Patrick Riou, who at the time of the crash was acting director of the
Police Judiciaire, only last month was promoted to be permanent head of
Police Judiciaire.  These promotions are in line with the new world
developing whereby those in tune with the one world government effort can
expect to be honored, promoted, enriched; those against it, such as Diana,
can expect one hour trips to a hospital within walking distance.
* Dr. Bruno Riou, who operated on Diana at the hospital, is an expert on
poisonous gasses, and in particular those that disappear in the blood
stream.  He has published widely on the subject, including the New England
Journal of Medicine.
* When the ambulance stopped for ten minutes at the Pont d' Austerlitz, it
was literally right at the front door of the Paris morgue, the Institut
Medico-Legal.  Thus the question arises if the original plan wasn't to take
Diana directly to the morgue, either because she was already dead (having
bled out because of the prolonged ambulance ride), or if still alive, to
finish her off at the morgue, away from the prying eyes of hospital staff.
A comprehensive investigation needs to be done of Dr. Jean-Marc Martino.  It
was Dr. Martino who, after all, literally held Diana's life in his hands
during that long ambulance ride.  The world deserves to know what Dr.
Martino's qualifications are, who he is, what is his background.  We can't
stress enough Dr. Martino is one of the keys of this case.


  National Security Council Admits To May 9, 1997 Diana Memorandum
NSC Correction:
The National Security Council has informed WeThePeople
That it made a mistake, that the date of the Diana Memorandum
Is June 9, 1997, not May 9, 1997.  We have appealed their decision
not to release it. Note: WeThePeople still is in the process of appealing the
NSC's refusal to release the June 9, 1997 Diana Memorandum.  Here is
something to consider: Only four days before the memorandum was composed,
which, according to the NSC, "involved decision making at the highest
levels," Mohammad Al Fayed invited Diana aboard his yacht.  Did this decision
by Mr. Fayed lead to the memorandum?  Did it trigger a series of decisions on
the part of the United States Government that led to the crash in the Alma
tunnel?  As long as the government refuses to release this and related
documents, it will do nothing to squelch suspicion that it in some way played
a part in the untimely demise of Diana and Dodi in Paris on August 31, 1997.

WeThePeople World Exclusive


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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