-Caveat Lector-

Thank you Cliff - and Mary, this one publisher at Henry Regnery in 1969,
a Dominick Abel, told me I had stumbled onto something significant - he
also said no doubt I would be sued for at the time, who would believe
that the Mafia was in bed with the CIA, and that Jean Dixon was a psuedo
religious political propagandist engaged in psychological warfare.

So a Mary Ferrell in Holland Texas - Bud Fensterwald of the Committee to
Investigte Assassinations had me send stuff to Mary, who wanted to edit
same - the last thing I heard about Mary, her son had been murdered -
she used material from my book.

So if anyone out there has let us say a professional author, who steals
and uses your work without permission - do not feel bad.......like my
old friend Sybil Leek, who was MI6 - she took a lot of my research for
her one book without my permission, made a lot of money, then got sued
for 5 million dollars by a man named Peter Noyes.....guess who got her
off the hook then for she could not wait for me to send her copy of my
copyright which saved her hide....but cost her $12,000 and maybe later
her life.....for this woman, who had many best sellers, said this bible
calendar had brought trouble into her own house.

I worked on on the outside; even J. Edgar Hoover told Frank Fitzsimmons
of the old Teamsters Union, that I was getting stuff on my own for I had
them up in arms - and Jimmy Hoffa invited me to Washington DC to meet
with him for I knew he was next on list.

Much to my surprise I then discovered the man who was in same cell with
Hoffa for over a year, sat in a quiet room with his friends, listening
to every word I was saying.

So this one Agent said it would take a College Professor to understand
what I was saying - one who knew about secret societies, astrology and
codes, and had masonic training no doubt, etc., and with knowledge of
the KKK - and I might add the KKK you will never see in the open, not
the real knights.....

It would take someone who knows all about religion - and as a reseaher
my old friend, the MI6, told me I was the best reseacher she had ever
seen and met.

She did however use my work without permission and was working on the
bible calendar code before she died.

She was the writer, but she too had an editor as do all professional
writers - I had the theory, which I called a conspiracy theory and had
it copyrighted as such for my own protection for I had received many
threats - after the Ohio State Lantern did a story on it - you see I was
getting to people who understoodo me....

The biggest concern I was told indirectly that once I started attaching
names - say ike a Walter Lippman to this stuff, it could be very

People try to scare you off.   I never professed to be a writer; when I
went to IBM school to get basics on how to operate a computer, I broke
the damn record at that school and got my 120 wpm certificate - and the
record still holds......and that was on a typewritier.

I think faster than I can type;  my way often with writing may not seem
clear only because I presume many understand things I say, as Cliff Hume
does and as you seem to understand.

Have fun seeing at times who delivers the attacks in an attempt to
squelch me and I say, I have been attacked and threatened by
pros......including local Jewish Mafia who ran drugs and the one either
got Hoffa away or dumped him in Lake Erie.  I have information and so
did the FBI that tracks led to the farm of Donald Plotnick, a doctor,
who had one Hit Man living on his farm, who "blew away" anybody at drop
of hat....and went to prison for same and was pardoned - get this - by a
CFR Govenor after murdered a black doctor while dressed like County
Sheriff with those guys?

To get at truth you sometimes step on big toes and little toes......the
little toes scream the loudest - censor her, censor, censor
censor......by their fruits you shall know them.

Thank you Cliff once again, and Mary I never said I was professional
writer - even Mary Farrell told me hey, you have a lousey style, but you
sure as hell know how to get at the facts......her son was murdered, my
old friend Gordon Novel told me in 1984......body found in river in
burlap sack - and so you see  if somebody has stolen my work and I did
not g et a big name in a book, I do not care.

My research became a quest - I come from a long line of Knights who were
not known for being Quakers - Knights....one even in the Knights of the
Golden Circle and rode with Jesse James (Stiles was the name)......

So as they say,  if they do not like me Irish face they can kiss my
Irish Ass.......
as for BB and June - by their fruits, ye shall know them all.


By the way - my FBI file is in the National Archives and part of it was
reprinted and sent to me on list.....100 years from now somebody will go
into the Kennedy Treasures as they did the Lincoln Treasures, and guess
what - they will find me, along with the Judas, the Brutus, and the
spies....I was none of the three, but I worked with the best of them.

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