-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Hennessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

> -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > with all due respect andrew, you are guessing, not reporting. the
> warehouse
> > thing and the homosexual agenda you mention is absurd (unless you can
> > support this contention in some way?). as is your perception of lillith.
> >
> Well maybe Lilith gets a better press these days from the black magic
> that I read in the 70s - so sorry if she is now the divine goddess etc etc

both your patronising classifications of her are wrong.

> The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient to
> police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
> scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
> actively promote homosexual issues.

you are wrong and your political angle on this is the same one that souter
tried to mislead the scottish people . the repeal does not allow the
promotion of homosexuality- it allows it to be talked about in council
institutions- including schools and libraries. the clause actually could
have prevented people's access to literature that could be considered
"promoting" homosexuality- and that in effect means that any literature that
states in any way that homosexuality is ok could be banned. that is not a
tolerable situation. in schools teachers have been unable to offer any
education about homosexuality *in any form*. that is also an intolerable

 Almost the entire population was against
> it

oh really? LOL

but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
> Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
> charge of the electoral office would not ratify

you are being silly now andrew and it devalues any argument that you may
have. tell me who this gay is in fact and show me evidence that he is 1/ gay
and 2/ corrupt and compromised by his sexuality. (look to portillo's vote
against the reduction in the age of gay consent for a comparable ethical
decision made by a man with gay experiinces)
show me- or shut your little bigoted mouth, k? :)

 - a supposedly unbiased
> agency that oversaw democracy all over the world would not let the people
> legitimately vote in a private and legal mass referendum.

we have a government to make decisions- referendums are only called by
people unhappy at the elected governmnet's decisions. and anyway, andrewq,
we didn't need a referendum to have the clause in the first place- it wasn't
public pressure that lobbied for the clause, was it?

> The move to repeal clause 28 was knocked back by the House of Lords twice

erm, you are so keen on refereendums and voting and stuff but you are so
happy that an unelected house would stand in the way of an elected house?

> and still Tony is committed to forcing throughthis legislation.

daily record? LOL, no really, you are quoting the daily record as a news
source? why not the national enquirer (a bit of context for our foriegn type
friends on the list)

reported that there were warehouses of the
> 'new' progay schoolbooks awaiting distribution - not a fact that they
> have got wrong as the Paper was part of the keep the clause campaign - one
> of souters few corporate supporters - and at that time ANY misleading
> information would have been used to destroy the referendum by the
> Politicians who were getting desperate.
> So in this matter - because of the circumstances - I am inclined to
> what I read in that paper at that time about the schoolbooks.
> Souter subsequently had several million wiped off the value of his stock
> a strange stockmarket problem.
> The result of the poll showed that something like 80% -

oh but do tell how many people voted.
and you just ignore that private polls made by individuals tend to only be
completed by the people who support the referendum because there is no legal
backing for the poll. opponents of the private poll recommended destroying
the polling slips. forget also that approx 1 million homes did not get
voting slips. that is in a population of 6 millionish!

 an overwhelming
> majority were in favour of keeping the clause - the parliament ignored
> and passed the progay legislation.#

erm, no- they passed the anti anti-gay legislation. stats are great for
epope who wanna present them wrongly :) homophobes are great at this sort of
stuff- you and souter.

> What was PRO about this legislation was that unlike the previous
> that simply maintained a status quo of gender tolerance - given that it
> could be adequately policed

see above for an accurate description- the clause banned the tolerance of
literature and education that did not condemn homosexuality.

- under the new legislation aside from all the
> other new safeguards, loss of marriage as a key concept etc - there is
> to activley promote gay issues - which is an unfair allowance to a
> interest.
> andrew

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