-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Let Me Tell You About My Family
By Chuck Baldwin
December 4, 2001

Tomorrow my wife and I will help celebrate our oldest son's 25th birthday. A
few weeks ago, we celebrated our daughter's 27th birthday, and shortly
before that, we celebrated our youngest son's 22nd birthday. I have often
said that I would rather be a successful husband and father than a
successful anything else. If I accomplish nothing more in life, I consider
my life to be a huge success because of the outstanding family God has given
to me.

Our oldest son is in the early days of owning his own plumbing business. He
and his wife named their little boy after yours truly. They were both
virgins when they married. They are a dedicated Christian couple serving the
Lord together in our church. They do not drink, smoke, or use drugs. They
have never been in trouble with the law. They love God, each other, and
their parents.

Our only daughter is the apple of my eye. Her husband is in the early days
of owning his own engineering company. They have three children. My daughter
and her husband are the youth leaders in our church. They, too, were virgins
when they married and do not drink, smoke, or use drugs. They have never
been in trouble with the law, and they demonstrate the highest degree of
Christian dedication.

Our youngest son is in his first year of law school. He is still single.
Like his brother and sister, he is a faithful, dedicated Christian that has
kept himself morally clean and does not use alcohol, tobacco or drugs. He
loves God and our family.

If it sounds like I am bragging, I am - on Jesus! I recognize that every
good gift comes from above, and that includes this most precious of all
gifts: a Christian home.

At the same time, many people who know my family have asked me to share the
principles we used in rearing our children. (It is amusing that so many
"child experts" have never successfully raised children of their own.)

I begin by saying that raising children is hard work. The responsibility of
raising children cannot be passed off to a school  (public or private) or to
any other institution, including government. I am sorry to have to tell
Hillary that it takes a mom and dad, not a village, to raise a family!

Parenting must be given the priority it deserves. Parenting is not a hobby;
it is a full time occupation. One cannot ignore his or her children and
expect them to turn out well. Beyond that, preoccupation with materialism
and greed will also ruin a child. Wallowing in moral and spiritual poverty
while surrounded by material and financial prosperity is the sad story of
many American families, I am afraid. It takes time and effort to instill the
fundamental principles of character and conviction into our children. There
is no short cut, no easy way to raise honest, considerate children.

Child rearing takes love, instruction, and discipline. All three ingredients
are equally important. Children must be loved. They must be taught, and they
must be disciplined. I would even argue, that if children are not taught
right from wrong and are not properly disciplined, they are not loved. Any
parent who truly loves his or her child will be ready and able to teach and
discipline them.

To be sure, many parents have done everything right, and their children have
still turned out wrong. I do not understand it, but I know it is true. I am
also aware that there are examples of parents who did it all wrong and their
kids turned out right. Only the grace and sovereignty of God can explain
some things.

Overall, however, we have the kind of children we raise. It seems to me that
a bundle of love and a big hickory switch would solve most of America's
problems. At least it solved a bunch of mine.

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