Le 6 nov. 06 à 11:48, Philippe a écrit :

En réponse à Duhamel David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qui écrivait le 6/11/06
11:26 :

Et tu arrives à synchroniser le carnet d'adresse et l'agenda ????
Mais oui, sans problème.
C'est donc bizarre que le GSM ne réagisse pas quand on utilise le "bouton
bleu" !

Apparemment ça ne marcherait qu'a partir de Tiger, si tu as un OS en dessous j'ai trouvé ça :

Sure, they're quite simple, really:
- Open "/Applications/iSync.app/Contents/PlugIns/ ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice/Contents/PlugIns/ PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin/Contents/Resources/MetaClasses.plist" in your favourite text editor (Text Edit, Emacs, etc.). - Duplicate the Sony Ericsson K750 entry, replacing each occurance of K750 with Z520 in the duplicate. - For kicks, set the phone icon to SEZ1010.tiff, since that's fairly similar in looks to the Z520. - Open the Bluetooth preferences pane, select your phone and click "Configure". iSync should be available.

I also edited "/Applications/Address Book.app/Contents/Resources/ Telephony.bundle/Contents/Resources/ABDeviceCommandSets.plist" but I'm not sure whether that's necessary. I've tried to simplify these instructions as much as possible. I picked the K750 since I read somewhere that the Z520i should be very similar to it software-wise. I think it was in the Salling Clicker forums, but I can't find the exact post now.

The full code for the Z520 entry in MetaClasses.plist is included below, for reference.

<string>Sony Ericsson+Sony Ericsson Z520</string>

J'espère que ça t'aidera....

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Apple (http://www.apple.fr), parce que je le vaut bien !

David Duhamel

AIM/iChat : dduhamel2001
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