I'm following this thread with more than a degree of curiousity.

About two years ago I was driving past one of my local pubs, out of the way, 
does a good line in food and a roaring trade in decent beer.  As a result it 
does a good trade with locals and people will drive for miles for a meal.

A flock of pheasants flew in front and a hen pheasant caught the bumper 
dragging it under the car; I saw it in the rear view mirror obviously in some 
distress.  Stopped the car, went back to it, saw it was in a real bad way and 
wrung its neck.  Not wanting to leave it on the road, slung it in the boot 
and dropped it in the bin at home - too far gone for anything else.

About 2 hrs later I had a PC arrive at home, I had been reported for 
"poaching".  According to the PC one of the customers in the pub having 
witnessed this, picked up a mobile and dialled 999.  Luckily for me, the 
carcass was in the bin, the PC indicated I could well have been charged.

I couldn't believe it, for what?

What do you do?  Leave an injured bird in obvious distress just so I didn't 
offend the sensibilities of some mis-guided twit who has no real concept of 
animal welfare?  The way things are going in this country, it seems that is 
what the, for want of a better term, "animal welfare groupies" want.  These 
people have no real understanding of nature beyond an idealism gleaned from 
wildlife documentaries.  Its nothing to do with animal welfare, its  all 
about getting a certain political party re-elected by exploiting these 
idealised views of what country life is about.

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