From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>We are seeing more and more of this in the countryside. Its not unusual to
>see people stop competely on a main road or swerve to the other side of the
>road because of a squirrel or other small pest.

It is not the fact that is it a squirrel, cat, fox or anything  else - it 
is the fact that a moving object shoots out directly in front of you. It is 
a natural reaction to swerve to avoid it. I've done it many times and 
almost had a heart attack every time. You can't stop this reaction - your 
brain does not have the time to process what the object is in front of you 
until you have either hit it or missed it.

If I did see an animal in the middle of the road I wouldn't run over it - 
would you?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK

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