On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 08:37:05AM +0200, Anonymous wrote:
> [Copied to Adam so he doesn't have to wait for some moderator to get
> off his fat ass and approve it.

The LNE CDR isn't moderated in the usual sense. 

However, postings from new users[1] don't go through until I look at them
(since about 99.5% are spam).  I do this as often as possible, but
I do have a life.  So if you (the generic you) feel the urge
to forge a new cute name on every post, be warned that your posts may
take a while to go through.  I suggest forging one cute name and sticking
with it... besides, you will want all of us to have a pseudo to attach
the appropriate reputation capital to.

[1] a 'new' user is the name in the From: line which isn't a subscriber
to a node and which hasn't already posted.

Eric, your "fat ass moderator"

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