On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 11:12:00PM -0800, Jonathan Leffler wrote:
> Tim Bunce wrote:
> >I'd appreciate a summary of which drivers support some form of
> >``last insert id'' and details of the interface they provide.
> >
> >Specifically...
> >     via an attribute or method?
> >     at the sth or dbh level, or both?
> >     any other details that might be relevant...
> DBD::Informix has it for SERIAL columns.  It is a value in the SQLCA 
> which is accessed via either the statement or the database handle - 
> same space (there is an SQLCA record per database handle).
> It is volatile - that is, the next SQL operation on the same database 
> handle destroys the information.  It would not be desparately hard to 
> provide a one-element cache per statement handle, but no-one using 
> DBD::Informix has ever suggested it.
> Now, there is also a SERIAL8 type.  I had to go manual bashing to find 
> out how to get the last insert ID for that, but there is a function 
> that provides the information at the C interface -- I'd have to work 
> out a way of handling that (not least because, although it is 
> pointless, a single table can have both a SERIAL and a SERIAL8 column).

Can you tell if the last insert generated a SERIAL or SERIAL8 id?
Or would the application need to give you a hint?

> Finally, in IDS 9.40, there are sequences as found in Oracle and DB2. 
>  You manipulate those with seqname.currval and seqname.nextval and 
> SELECT statements.
> >Also, for databases that do _not_ support a ``last insert id''
> >concept in the client API, are there any SQL mechanisms for finding
> >the last insert id?
> >
> >I'm currently (very vagely) thinking that it'll be a dbh level
> >method something like this:
> >
> >     $id = $dbh->last_insert_id();
> >     $id = $dbh->last_insert_id($table_name, $column_name);
> I'm neutral between $dbh and $sth.  Obviously, it is a $sth that 
> 'sets' the value, but there's typically just one place that stores it, 
> effectively at the $dbh level, so there's room for arguing either way.

Yeap. That's pretty common.

> For the special case of SERIAL8, I can provide a suitable access 
> method - probably $dbh->ix_last_serial8() via the nice new mechanism 
> you've exposed for adding methods to the DBI.  Or as an attribute such 
> as $dbh->{ix_last_serial8} -- it's much the same.

But that implies that the application *knows* it was a serial8.
I can imagine that a table might be altered from serial to serial8,
but you wouldn't want to have to change all the applications.

> For sequences, I am not sure whether it is necessary -- are you 
> planning to provide access to sequences for DBD::Oracle?  If so, does 
> the table name map to the sequence name?  If not (as I suspect), then 
> am I right in thinking that you'd expect people to do an explicit 
> SELECT seqname.currval FROM dual or some equivalent?

I'll probably duck supporting named sequence for the time being.
But it would be worth looking at at some point in the future.


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