On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:02:58PM +0100, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> > I also think DBI is a bit of a specialized topic,
> I don't fully agree with this. Based on the number of emails I get to my
> CPAN address I would say DBDs are used a lot and the development of DBDs
> is important to many people using them.
> One of the problems I've had throughout maintainership of DBD::ODBC is
> finding enough people to test it with different ODBC Drivers (something
> other DBD maintainers don't have the same problem with since there is
> only one [or a few]).
> The irc channel has helped me find other areas to broadcast new
> development releases and find potential testers.

You've a good section on contributing in the docs
but it doesn't highlight "finding people to test it with
different ODBC Drivers".

Perhaps we could try to encourage the creation of a pool of "official
testers" for drivers. They'd be part of http://cpantesters.org/ and use
their software (CPAN::Reporter etc) to run tests. The key differences
would be a) their testing environment would be configured with a live
database so driver tests get run properly, b) they'd (ideally) run multiple
test environments with different database client and server versions,
and c) they'd get credit in the docs for being part of the "DBI Driver
Testing Network" (or somesuch name).

> Trying very hard to keep level headed about this I am finding myself
> under increasing pressure via rt reports and emails to my cpan address
> to cope with all the issues in DBD::ODBC.

c.f. http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=49760

Your dedicated work on this and (many) other ODBC issues is greatly
appreciated. We should look for ways of reducing the workload on you.

> DBD::ODBC is a little unusual in that there are dozens of drivers that
> may be used under DBD::ODBC which differs from most DBDs. I've found the
> knowledge and helpfulness of others on #dbi to be useful and lessen the
> burden of maintaining a DBD and it is obvious to me that if more DBD
> authors/maintainers were on it we could be more helpful to each other.


> There is obviously no requirement to be on #dbi but in the spirit of
> helping each other I thought it was useful to remind people about it. No
> big deal, just thought it was worth reminding people about #dbi and that
> it can be a useful resource.

Personally I don't use irc much (I don't leave an irc or twitter client
running in the background) but I've added #dbi to the list of channels
that my irc client connects to automaticall on launch.  So you'll see me
appearing occasionally.

I know the Moose / Catalyst / DBIC communities, among others,
practically live in their channels on irc.perl.org and find it hugely


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