On Jul 8, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

>> But then that would screw things up for modules that unfortunately 
>> changed their versioning algorithm. I would no longer be able to 
>> require DBD::Pg 1.49, for example, even thought that's perfectly valid.
> Good point, but hopefully such changes are a very rare and momentous event 
> (as was the case with DBD::Pg). Version 1.49 (the last of the two dot 
> versions for those playing at home) is *severely* deprecated. One of the 
> reasons DBD::Pg jumped to 2.0.0 was to prevent any version comparison 
> confusion, as even Perl's wacky versioning tools cannot deny that 2 > 1. :)

A lot of folks changed without any momentous reason. So this suggestion, 
frankly, is right out.

Frankly, I consider even momentous reason dubious. Pick a version and stick to 
it. I myself maintain a module or two with hinky version numbering systems 
because I inherited them and see no benefit to changing.



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