On 14-03-14 13:58, James Greig wrote:

> Following on from the previous post.  Everything has been pretty stable it's 
> just the pop3d locking up which just happens randomly.  I've not ran under 
> gdb yet but I did get some debug output and a few other bits.
> On freebsd I ran truss against the process which is just a constant scroll of 
> the following:-

Don't know freebsd or truss, but it looks a lot like strace output.

> write(15,"gv\r\n+Skf/hFP/wCXEU37AviO3VWk+L"...,262143) ERR#35 'Resource 
> temporarily unavailable'

Now who is filehandle 15? Next time use 'lsof -p `pidof dbmail-imapd` to
find out.

> MySQL on localhost (5.6.12-log)

mysql-5.6. Not sure if anyone has validated that one.

> The debug output for pop3 during the issue (the 20 lines from 12:27) is below 
> and it just seems like it's spending a whole minute dealing with 1 users 
> mailbox:-

doing network IO is non-blocking.

> [root@mail4-db-4a ~]# cat dbmail | grep " 12:27"
> Mar 14 12:27:00 mail4-db-4a dbmail/pop3d[53559]: Debug:[clientbase] 
> ci_write(+343): [0x805334000] S > [16040/1222118:gwQyZ31AUn^M 
> RxR4h6+QsBAMUZnWBV/7gdwugzE]

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