On 5/31/12 4:50 AM, Adrian Gschwend wrote:
On 31.05.12 08:12, Ivan Mikhailov wrote:

Hi Ivan,

I guess that's because some configs should be reviewed there. At the
very beginning, only couple of formats were supported and turtle had
"x-" prefix of experimental/custom status. Now the internals of Virtuoso
recognize the following MIMEs:
ok that makes more sense, I run my own Virtuoso instance and in there I
could get turtle :-)

Would be great if that could be enabled on DBpedia as well later.

Of course it will be enabled, the issue is a bug in the TCN (Transparent Content Negotiation) QoS algorithm that drives the re-write rules for DBpedia.

It will be fixed (if not already the case).




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Kingsley Idehen 
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Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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