
> 134$
>  134 is still there...
> (my terminal is in Tranditional-Chinese UTF-8 charset. Does that matter?)

ok, we'll have to dig a bit deeper.
Could you please install strace (if you haven't already) and do the following:

* start a screen session as usual
* do a 'screen -ls' inside it and note the PID of this session
  (it should say something like "there's a session on PID.ttyX.host")
* open up another terminal, become root there and do (using the PID you
  just looked up):
  strace -pPID -o /tmp/screen.strace
* press enter in your screen session (so a new prompt is displayed)
* interrupt the strace (Ctrl-C) and attach the file it wrote

strace records all system calls of a given process and thus also records all
data flowing from and to the screen session. Maybe this can tell us where
the '134' is coming from, or whether screen is sending some control sequences
that don't make it through...



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