
hmm, that's interesting. Here's what it should look like (or what it looks
like when I just press "Return" in screen)...

# screen forwards the keypress to the shell...
read(3, "\r", 4096)                     = 1
write(6, "\r", 1)                       = 1
# ... and the shell moves the cursor to the next line...
read(6, "\0\r\n", 4096)                 = 3
write(3, "\r\n", 2)                     = 2
# ... and redraws the prompt.
read(6, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ", 4096)        = 14
write(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ", 13)           = 13

... now yours (I've deleted the select() and gettimeofday() lines, they
are irrelevant for our problem)...

# read keypress...
read(3, "\r", 4096)                     = 1
write(6, "\r", 1)                       = 1
# ... move cursor to beginning of next line...
read(6, "\0\r\n", 4096)                 = 3
write(3, "\r\n", 2)                     = 2
# ... the shell echoes several strange characters (???)...
read(6, "\0\33k\33\\134", 4096)         = 8
write(3, "134", 3)                      = 3
# ... draw prompt as usual.
read(6, "\0\33[01;[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\33[01;"..., 4096) = 43
write(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\33[1m\33["..., 42) = 42

I can't make any sense of that extra data. Could you please:

* strace a "regular" bash session (i.e. one without screen in between)
* provide me with 'echo $TERMCAP' (called from inside screen)

I've tried to reproduce the problem under a zh_TW.utf8 locale, but failed.
Oh, and just for the sake of completeness, could you test whether calling
screen with and without '-U' makes any difference?



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